How Much Does Internet Marketing Really Cost?

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( — August 30, 2022) —

Internet marketing has a variety of costs depending on the agency. There are some that deliver great results while others struggle to generate results for clients. The truth is that there are plenty of agencies that simply want to make money quickly. Asking about how long that certain clients have worked with a business can be so important. You do not want an agency that continually cycles through clients due to not delivering what was promised. The right agency is going to manage your expectations appropriately. The wrong expectations can lead to disappointment even when an agency has gone above and beyond what was promised. The sales team needs to be included in client calls as you do not want this team promising too much and then leaving customer care representatives to clean up the mess.

Taking the time to ask about previous results that were generated cannot be understated. You do not want an agency that continually has new clients as soon as their older clients contracts are up. Most agencies understand when a client is not going to sign another contract due to a lack of results. You want to have another marketing professional look at results as they can be confusing. An agency might put a focus on the wrong metrics to fake that they have done something when in actuality all they have done is update your website. The internet marketing niche is full of agencies that can do wonderful things for clients and those that do little to nothing then expect payment on time. Take the time to research which internet marketing agency that you are trusting with your business. The last thing you want to is be penalized by Google or another search giant. 


The infographic below will help get into the various costs and what you can expect.