(Newswire.net — September 5, 2022) — We have all been hearing the word Zero Trust being thrown around in the cybersecurity environment. The question that comes to all of our minds is this: is it worth the hype? The short answer is “yes.” A Zero Trust security operates on the principle of “never trust, always verify.” This is a great principle in the current business landscape where remote work and cloud-based apps are on the rise.
Zero Trust seeks to offer thorough protection in a world of sophisticated cybersecurity threats by never assuming an access request comes from a reliable source. It treats every user and application as though it originated from an unprotected open network.
Below are 4 of the most important reasons why your business would benefit from a Zero Trust security solution.
1. The cloud environment requires a better security solution
Due to the unexpected outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we shifted workloads to the cloud without a clear plan for how to protect them. This led to many problems with cloud security. Zero Trust can provide solutions for these problems.
One of the problems with cloud security is that there is less control over the network. This is because cloud environments are not a part of an organization’s network. Zero Trust solves this problem of lack of control by employing user authentication and access management. As mentioned above, Zero Trust makes sure the identity of every user and application is verified before they are granted access. It not only verifies identity but also makes sure the user trying to gain access has permission to do that on the particular part of the company network.
Cloud environments are also evolving all the time. Therefore, a company’s security strategy has to be flexible if they use cloud-based applications. Conveniently, Zero Trust is more flexible compared to conventional network security approaches. Organizations are not limited by precise network boundaries. This makes it simple for them to expand their network to include third parties without being concerned about the potential security risks.
2. Remote work increases security risks
Almost all sectors were compelled by the COVID-19 pandemic to drastically change their business models into more decentralized networks that facilitate remote work. Remote work seems to be here to stay. Gartner discovered that 74% of organizations anticipate that at least 5% of their current in-office employees would eventually work remotely. Although this flexibility is good for employees, it has also given rise to new chances for security concerns, problems, and cyberattacks.
Organizations should establish a Zero Trust approach to strengthen the security of their digital assets from new dangers and attacks in the modern work environment. Since employees access sensitive company data from anywhere and possibly use unsecured internet connections, organizations’ important assets are at more risk than ever. To have a complete cybersecurity plan in place for remote work, Zero Trust is one of the essentials.
The most crucial aspect of security may be managing identification and access, especially for a business with a remote workforce. It is not sufficient to control the first authentication. Every time a user accesses a different resource, businesses must perform a new authentication process. This is exactly what Zero Trust does and it helps companies protect both their employees and their assets.
3. SaaS applications from third parties might be unsecure
SaaS (Software as a Service) is also a popular tool for businesses. The most important data and files of a company are included in these apps. Every corporation that uses SaaS tools in their daily operations should pay attention to the apps they use. SaaS tools produce uncontrollable access and there is a significant chance of sensitive files and data being exposed.
In an ideal world, we would be able to trust all the third-party SaaS applications we use, but unfortunately, this is not the case. So, to protect organizations, Zero Trust calls for continuous monitoring of all user behaviors to mitigate risk both manually and automatically. This makes it possible to apply more specific security controls to all places where SaaS services are used. If your company is using SaaS applications, learning how to implement Zero Trust should be a must for you.
5. Cyberattacks are growing and getting smarter
Every year, there are more and more cyberattacks, and it seems that no industry is safe. Cybercrime is a hugely profitable industry that is growing in both popularity and sophistication. Even while it’s important to stay up to date with security awareness, cybercriminals will continue to find new methods to scam people.
You can reinforce and develop a better security posture to become more cyber-resilient and less susceptible to security threats and breaches with a Zero Trust security model. Additionally, it assures the highest level of cybersecurity and helps avoid reputational and financial harm.
Final words
Remote work has been rising and it will continue to do so. This is dangerous for companies because employees being able to work anywhere they like means the company networks are more prone to being compromised. Zero Trust has become a key solution in business security because of its ability to adapt to complicated environments, secure remote employees, and monitor the permissions and identities of users connecting to a company network.
To gain maximum visibility, which will enhance operational management and network security, organizations should adopt Zero Trust programs. In addition to assisting you in real-time risk mitigation, a Zero Trust strategy continually decreases your organization’s attack surface and strengthens its security posture.