Do You Have a Will?

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( — November 2, 2022) — Death is not something we like to think about, but it’s something we should be prepared for.  Estate planning is not an enjoyable task but is something you need to do for your children.

Your passing will be difficult enough for your children – you shouldn’t make it even more difficult for them by not having the proper arrangements.  Your will ensures that your children will be taken care of.  You can appoint guardians and attend to their financial needs. Learn more about laws on this dedicated website Lawyer news blog.

Don’t let others determine what happens to your children and estate after you pass away.  Read below to find out what steps you should take to plan your estate.

Last Will and Testament

If you were to pass away without having a will, your loved ones will not get to decide what becomes of your estate.  The state will be stepping in and making the necessary arrangements.

The state is somewhat arbitrary and will usually set out a third or half of the estate to the spouse and the rest to the children.  If the children are not yet 18, the money will be under the supervision of a government agent.

While this doesn’t seem all that terrible, the money will be somewhat frozen if your children are not yet 18.  If you were counting on that money for raising your children, you may have a tough time getting around the state supervisor.

If both parents are gone, the state will decide who will take guardianship of the children.  Do you trust the state to pick a guardian for your children?  If you are interested to learn more about distributing assets to their children after parents’ death on this dedicated website Policy Development.

Living Will

Dire medical situations can arise quickly and decisions will have to be made.  A living will is needed to help with those difficult decisions.  If you become medically incapacitated, your children should have the peace of mind to make decisions regarding medical treatments.  Do you want the doctors to try to resuscitate you by all means possible?  What about a ventilator?

You may be at a point where you can’t communicate with your loved ones.  A living will help them navigate these difficult waters with the full confidence of knowing their last wishes and will.

Power of Attorney

Making the big decisions as to guardianship and allotment of your estate is important, but who is going to carry out your wishes?  You will need someone to carry out your financial decisions and to have the freedom to pay bills, decide what to do with investments, and the power to deal with other financial matters that may arise. Don’t drag your feet in this area because the courts might choose one for you if you should become incapacitated.

How to Write Your Will

Organize your finances and make a full accounting of all of your assets and financial holdings.  Next, figure out what you want to do with your estate.  Will it get split up evenly, left to a spouse, or distributed over time?  Choose a guardian for your children, and leave instructions as to how you want your children to be educated and cared for.

After all of the big decisions have been made, you can either hire a lawyer to make your will official, or you can get legal will kits that you can fill out on your own.  After your will has been legalized, put it in a secure place like a home safe.

Talk to your children about your will so that after you pass on, there will not be any big surprises or drama.  This will give you and your family the peace of mind that your estate will be smoothly handled and taken care of. Go to this website News Panel in order to acquire additional information about regulations.