The Best Dental Marketing Ideas You Must Try

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( — November 9, 2022) — No one ever said that having a great smile was easy. It takes work to keep your pearly whites shining, and sometimes it seems like no matter how much you brush or floss, they still manage to get stained. In order for dental marketing work, you must constantly try new strategies to ensure that your dental practice is getting noticed by potential patients.

Without a good dental marketing strategy, you may not be reaching as many potential patients as you could be. And what’s the point of having a great website or social media presence if no one knows about it? Hiring orthodontic marketing consultants can help you take your practice to the next level. If you’re looking for some ideas to get you started, here are five dental marketing ideas you must try.

1. Dental SEO

You must optimize your website for search engines if you want people to come across it. That means using the right keywords, having quality content, and ensuring your site is mobile-friendly. Dental SEO can be a complex topic, but plenty of resources are available to help you get started.

2. PPC Advertising

PPC, or pay-per-click, advertising, is a great way to get your website in front of potential patients who are already searching for dental services. With PPC, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, so it’s a cost-effective way to drive traffic to your site. This dental marketing idea can be implemented in several ways, so it’s worth researching to see what would work best for your practice.

  • Paid Search Marketing: This PPC advertising allows you to bid on keywords that potential patients search for on Google. When someone searches for one of your keywords, your ad will appear at the top of the results page.
  • Display Advertising: Display ads are the banner ads that you see on websites. With this type of dental marketing, you can target potential patients based on their interests and demographics.
  • Retargeting PPC Advertising: Retargeting is a type of PPC advertising that allows you to reach people who have already visited your website. This is done by placing a cookie on their computer, allowing you to serve them ads as they browse the web.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is PPC advertising where you pay other websites to promote your dental practice. This can be done through banner ads, product reviews, or even blog posts.

3. Tap Into Content Marketing

Content marketing is about creating and sharing valuable content that will help your target audience. This could be anything from blog posts and infographics to eBooks and white papers. The key is to create interesting, informative content that will help people make better decisions about their dental health. You may also consider repurposing some of your content for different channels, such as turning a blog post into a video or an infographic.

4. Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective way to keep in touch with current and potential patients. You can use email to send appointment reminders, share special offers, and promote new services. Just be sure to avoid being spammy, or you’ll quickly lose people’s interest. Some email marketing platforms even offer templates and automation features to make things easier.

Regardless of your dental marketing strategy, it’s important to be consistent and keep at it. The best way to see results is to mix up a few of these ideas and experiment with what works best for your practice. And if you need help getting started or want someone to take care of all the details for you, don’t hesitate to contact an orthodontic marketing consultant.