3 Tips for Unlocking Your Productivity

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(Newswire.net — November 12, 2022) —The year is almost over and many of us are hanging out for the Christmas holidays and looking forward to a bit of a break. It can be one of the most challenging times of the year to be productive at work as you’re juggling a to-do list that’s a mile long, trying to see friends and family, and also planning your Christmas and New Year Celebrations. It can be hard to stay focused on work and to keep your distractions at bay. If you’re looking for some practical ways you can be more productive and get everything on your to-do list done before the year-end, keep reading to learn more.

1. Work in Sprints
It can be really exhausting and mentally draining to be constantly on the go. It can also be really hard to ignore distractions if you don’t have a clear time set aside to deal with things like text messages, emails, and calls. What I like to do is work in a sprint, so I’ll set aside a time period of 45 or 60 minutes, I’ll put my phone on airplane mode and I’ll focus on whatever I need to get done. I’ll give myself a defined time to ‘rest’ such as 15 minutes and I repeat this throughout my work day. I find doing this, I get so much more done than I would if I just tried to work consistently until my lunch break. I also implement this concept with my rest and hobbies – I find it much better to have clearly defined work and rest times so that I can pursue my hobbies. If you’d like to learn more about some fun things you can do such as restoring a car with a new engine, this site has some great options.

2. Outsource What You Can
Sometimes we can waste a lot of time and mental energy on tasks that are outside our area of expertise. Other times you can spend a lot of time trying to do something that you just don’t enjoy, which means you drag your feet a bit on getting it down and waste a lot of your energy and momentum for the day. For that reason, I’m a big believer in outsourcing whatever you can to someone either who is more experienced or just able to take care of it for you so you can save your mental energy. If you’re trying to work on your company’s SEO for example, you may find it better to outsource using the best SEO services Toronto, so you can focus on other aspects of your business. Likewise, while you can probably figure out how to deep clean your commercial kitchen yourself, you can outsource the hood cleaning to someone else so you can focus more on the managerial aspects of your business.

3. Improve Your Sleep Hygiene
If you’re not getting sufficient sleep, then it’s pretty hard to expect your productivity to be at its best. There are quite a few common mistakes that people make that impact their sleep hygiene, such as sleeping with their phones and using social media really late. Maybe you’re also having caffeine late in the day which is impacting your hormones, and making it harder for you to unwind. Some quick fixes you can add to your lifestyle include going for a walk outside as soon as you can in the morning to help your circadian rhythm and having clear rules about phone use after a certain time of night.

Being more productive is a great skill to learn because it will give you more time for the things you love while allowing you to better reach your goals. I hope these tips help you become more productive even with all the distractions this time of year brings.