8 Common Items That Every Household Should Be Recycling

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(Newswire.net — November 22, 2022) — Regarding recycling, some items are commonly recycled more than others. Start recycling some of these common items if you want to make a change in your community and the environment.

1. Aluminum Cans

Many people might not realize that recycling aluminum cans can greatly impact reducing waste and saving energy. Recycling just one aluminum can save energy to power a television for three hours. In addition, making a new can from recycled materials uses less energy than making a new one from raw materials. Next time you finish that soda or iced tea, recycle the can instead of tossing it in the trash.

2. Plastic Bottles and Containers

Unlike most materials, plastic can only be reused a limited number of times before it becomes too degraded. However, recycling these items still helps by reducing the amount of new plastic produced. When it comes to plastic bottles and containers, remove any lids or labels before tossing them in the bin.

As with aluminum, look for the recycling symbol – it will have the number “1” inside. And don’t limit yourself to just water bottles – think shampoo bottles, laundry detergent containers, and food packaging.

3. Paper

Recycling paper has many benefits beyond reducing landfill waste – it saves trees from being cut down and reduces air pollution from manufacturing processes (compared to making paper from virgin materials). Remove any sticky notes or embellishments before tossing paper products into the bin – shredded paper is even okay!

And don’t forget about cardboard boxes as well as newspapers and magazines. Just be sure to break down large cardboard boxes to fit better in the recycling bin. Reusing just one ton of paper can save seventeen trees! So don’t let those piles of paper linger – start recycling today for a healthier planet tomorrow.

4. Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are another commonly recyclable item. Recycling plastic bags helps reduce our reliance on oil and reduce waste production. Plus, many stores will accept recyclable plastic bags as part of their recycling programs.

5. Glass Jars

Glass jars have many uses beyond just holding food or drinks. They can also be used to store things like screws, nails, or other small hardware pieces. And since they’re made from glass, a recyclable material, they can be easily recycled. Glass jars can be dropped off at local recycling centers or picked up as part of curbside recycling programs.

6. Cardboard Boxes

Cardboard boxes are another recyclable item that can be easily recycled. Just break them down, so they fit better in the bin. Cardboard boxes can be recycled at local recycling centers or picked up as part of curbside recycling programs.

7. Printer Cartridges

Printer cartridges can be recycled at local office supply stores or through mail-in recycling programs. Some stores even offer rewards for recycling printer cartridges. Recycling just one printer cartridge can save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for six hours.

8. Styrofoam

Styrofoam can be recycled at some local recycling centers. However, checking with your local center first to see if they accept styrofoam before dropping it off is important.

Recycling is a great way to reduce waste and save energy. And it’s easy to do! Just look for the recycling symbol on finished items and drop them off at your local recycling center. You can also check with your local store or municipality to see if they offer curbside recycling programs.