Increasing Studies Highlight Curcumin’s Remarkable Eye Health Benefits

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( — November 30, 2022) Orlando, FL — Today, more and more people are struggling with eye-health issues like glaucoma. It is important to note that having this condition reduces the quality of life.

According to eye health experts, glaucoma pertains to a group of eye conditions that end up damaging the optic nerve. It is important to note that optic nerve health is vital for good vision. Abnormally high pressure on the eye is often the cause of this damage.

It is important to be warned that glaucoma is one of the top causes of blindness for individuals over the age of 60. However, it can happen to people of any age.

When it is open-angle glaucoma, leads to symptoms like patchy blind spots in both eyes and tunnel vision in the advanced stages. Acute angle-closure glaucoma, on the other hand, leads to eye pain, severe headache, blurred vision, and eye redness.

When it comes to eye health, experts have been stressing the relevance of taking some plant-based remedies like curcumin. 

Preliminary research was carried out and it was published in the Scientific Reports. It has been found topical curcumin treatments protected the eyes against degeneration. 

In this study, the investigators applied a proprietary curcumin eye drop solution to rats twice per day for three weeks. 

By the end of the study, the investigators found that untreated rats had a decrease in retinal cells by 23 percent compared to the treatment group. This has led them to suggest that curcumin worked in preventing such a loss. 

To benefit from the healing goodness of this all-natural ingredient, it is best to take into account the use of certain supplements. The best supplements are the ones with the highest-quality ingredients and have no contaminants or nasty ingredients.  

It is one that’s accurately labeled and is usually free from eggs, soy, shellfish, wheat, and peanuts. It is also best to avoid supplements with stearates, additives, preservatives, GMOs, and heavy metals. 

Another important technique to choosing the right formula is if it’s made in an FDA-inspected facility in the U.S., and according to strict Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines.

To benefit from the use of this remedy, it is wise to use Divine Bounty Curcumin.

This amazing formula may deliver curcumin’s healing goodness. It is worth noting it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticarcinogenic, antiproliferative, antiviral, renoprotective, insulin-sensitizing, androgenic, and metal-chelating properties.

It also contains an anticoagulant, antiseptic, anti-platelet, antioxidant, anti-amyloidogenic, anti-cytotoxic, antibiotic, antimicrobial, anti-purulent, immunomodulating, and anticatabolic agents (

About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

Divine Bounty

12001 Research Parkway
Suite 236 A
Orlando, FL 32826
United States