What Should You Know About Bed Bug Infestation?

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(Newswire.net — December 20, 2022) — Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown nasty insects that survive on the blood of animals and humans. They are most active at night and prefer to hide in cracks and crevices during the day. Bed bugs love warmth and carbon dioxide, which is why they often feed on people while they are sleeping.

Bed bugs don’t transmit any diseases, but their bites can be uncomfortable and cause welts. Infestation with bed bugs is often difficult to detect because the insects are very good at hiding.

How Bed Bugs Spread to New Places?

The most common way bed bugs spread is through contact with infested materials. When people travel, they may inadvertently bring bed bugs with them in their luggage or clothing. Bed bugs can also spread through direct contact with an infected person, such as when someone sleeps in an infested bed.

Another way that bed bugs can spread is by hitchhiking on furniture, luggage, or clothing. When infested items are moved from one location to another, bed bugs may be transferred to the new location. Finally, bed bugs can spread indirectly by crawling from one infested location to another.

Bed bugs are difficult pests to control because they are adept at hiding, and their populations can grow quickly. The best way to prevent bed bugs from spreading is to be vigilant when traveling. In addition, make sure you carefully inspect any used furniture before introducing it into your home.

What are the Signs of Bed Bug Infestation?

The most common sign of a bed bug infestation are bites on the skin. Bed bug bites are small, red, and often appear in a cluster or line. While they are not usually painful, they can be itchy and cause swelling. Other signs of bed bug infestation include:

  • Blood stains on pillowcases or bed sheets
  • Brown or red stains on mattresses
  • Shed skin around bedding
  • Small insects crawling on the bed or in cracks and crevices

If you notice any of these signs, it shows you need to deal with a bed bug infestation. However, it is best to ensure again before you call pest control professionals. So, the best way to ensure whether your house is attacked by bed bugs or not is bed bug traps.

What are Bed Bug Sticky Traps?

A bed bug sticky trap is a small, portable device that can be placed under furniture or in other locations where bed bugs are likely to be found. The trap consists of a piece of paper or cardboard with a sticky substance on one side. Bed bugs crawling on the surface of the trap become stuck to the sticky substance.

The traps are designed to be used in conjunction with other bed bug control methods, such as vacuuming and using insecticide sprays. They can help to reduce the number of bed bugs in an infested area and make it easier to find and eliminate them.

The Bottom Line

If you suspect bed bug infestation, it is important to take action quickly. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the pests. You can use bed bug traps to capture the bed bugs. However, attempting to eliminate bed bugs on your own, especially when they are in huge numbers, is often difficult and frustrating, and it may worsen the infestation. 

It is recommended to contact a professional bed bug pest control. A professional pest control company will have the experience and resources necessary to quickly and effectively eliminate bed bugs.