Rice Leather by Asif Ali Gohar and Its Environmental Benefits

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(Newswire.net— December 21, 2022) — When producing a new material there are many different factors to be considered. In the current climate, one of the most important of those considerations is the effect on the environment that manufacturing and using the material will have. As the world moves towards more eco-friendly materials and eco-conscious methods of production, this is becoming a stronger factor in the decision to use or purchase a product. 

By creating vegan leather that is created using rice and rice by-products, Asif Ali Gohar has been able to introduce an entirely new alternative to leather that is easier on the environment. By avoiding animal products, there is a lesser drain on the resources in the area in order to grow the raw materials. Rice is much easier to grow than animals, and it helps to protect the environment. It uses less land as well as less water, and his home of Pakistan is one of the top producers of rice already. 

Growing crops can be better on the land itself, helping each plot to remain in use longer and over more years. Rotating crops can add to the nutrients in the soil and improve the yield year over year as well. It is easier to grow grains and crops that can be used for raw materials directly, rather than to feed cattle or other animals, which then release additional gases into the air. Animals use more land to grow than rice does, and while they can be used for several different purposes, both raising and processing animals create harmful gases and use more energy. 

As farmers throughout Pakistan are already skilled at rice growing, this offers an opportunity for them to expand their farms and perhaps will allow them to rely less on animals and animal products. Each plot of land that is transferred to crops rather than animals offers an environmental benefit and reduces emissions that are released into the air. As this grows, the reduction in emissions will continue to improve and the benefits to the environment will be far-reaching. 

Crops that use less water than animals are better for the local people and for those who rely on the water supplies in the area. As animals pull from the water it is not easily replenished, even with rains, however, crops that use water will use less and are more likely to leave the soil undamaged. 

The main benefits of using crops, grains, and rice rather than animal-sourced leather are far-reaching. Fewer emissions will lower the effect on the air and the environment. Less waste and products allow for lowered rates of pollution and maintain the local environment as it is. Using less water reduces the effect that high water use has on the environment. It is also beneficial in taking fewer chemicals, less energy, and fewer resources than processing raw materials sourced from animals. Over the years and decades, this is easier to support and will improve the effects that manufacturing has on the environment around the world.