Appointed in December 2022 by the Town of Monument to investigate a series of election-related issues, Grant Van Der Jagt is now making his findings public, raising awareness of a series of essential issues of public concern to the residents and the Town Council.
The Castle Rock, Colorado-based attorney Grant Van Der Jagt, hired by the Town of Monument to look into a series of election-related issues for the Board, has released the full copy of the Investigation Report, which is now cleared for public readership following the waiving of client-attorney privilege during the public December 28, 2022 Town Council meeting.
The full report can be read at
Mr. Van Der Jagt explains that he deems public awareness of the report findings crucial, as the Town Council has taken a series of actions against the investigator – Mr. Van Der Jagt – which may harm the interests of both the attorney and the Monument community.
An apolitical investigator into the matters of the Town Council’s interest, Mr. Van Der Jagt found, compiled, and presented over 120 pages worth of evidence into a series of concerning issues, including potential stealing of tax money, defrauding the public, and passing of an unconstitutional Municipal Charter.
In completing the report, Mr. Van Der Jagt has interviewed, met with, and obtained information from Town Council and staff members, using appropriate and reasonable means to do so. While collusion and bias accusations were brought against the attorney, Mr. Van Der Jagt explains that the claims were made by members of the Town Council who have an interest in harming his public image to weaken the findings discussed in the report, and are not substantiated by any evidence or otherwise justified considering the course and the scope of the investigation.
Deeming it necessary to both protect his public image and to shed light on the potential misconduct of the Town Council members, Mr. Van Der Jagt emphasizes that he has undertaken a thorough investigation using ethical and legal means and that his findings, presented clearly and objectively, while understandably having the potential to upset select figures, are nonetheless essential information for the Monument community, and must be brought to the awareness of the public.
Since the report was released, additional witnesses came forward, said Mr. Van Der Jagt, implicating members of The Town Council in what amounts to criminal conduct. Once these Town Council members learned they had been implicated in the report, they attempted to silence Mr. Van Der Jagt and order that his sources be made public. However, due to the extreme risk of retaliation against witnesses, Mr. Van Der Jagt refused to release some names to the rogue Town Council and instead supplied law enforcement with the evidence. Most recently, one witness said the newly elected Councilwoman Sana Abbott was instrumental in the theft of tax payer money because she submitted the illegal ballot measure promotional materials for printing and knowingly ordered that the bill be sent to the town for payment.
With his recent announcement, Mr. Van Der Jagt’s goal is to empower the local public with the knowledge necessary to take the appropriate steps toward fair elections and start a Recall action against the new Monument Town Council members who partook in the illegal conduct.