Meditating Human has launched a simple online manifesting guide to help parents set or orient the goals they have for their families.
The recently launched online manifesting guide is designed to help families form and stick to a singular goal. The goal can be anything the family values the most, like openness, mental health, and success in school and work.
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Meditating Human’s latest campaign coincides with an article published in Psychology Today about the right way to manifest goals. According to the report, manifesting doesn’t just rely on the fervent belief that something will happen, but it also requires a plan of action and a high level of accountability.
The online manifestation guide offers five modules, namely: Level Set, Get Clear, Get Obsessed, “Know It’s Yours”, and Get It Done. These modules motivate clients to move towards clear-cut, achievable goals rather than getting stuck in making big plans.
Level Set teaches clients to set the correct language and verbiage within the family core group. This ensures that all the members understand the expectations, why they are in place, and when those expectations are supposed to be delivered.
Get Clear explains how parents and children need to tell each other exactly what they want to achieve. For example, the aspects that need to be discussed if the family’s goal is to improve their mental health. The manifestation guide’s second module helps the family identify and define these terms.
Get Obsessed is the module that brings the goals to reality. Keeping each other accountable, regular check-ins, and progress reports are discussed in this module, which mainly focuses on mobilizing the family members to work for their goal. This includes how to give feedback constructively and how to motivate members who are getting left behind.
“Know It’s Yours” reminds clients that the goal they have set is within reach, but they have to work for it. The goals they set for the entire family have already been made clear in the previous modules, and this second to the last one affirms the family’s ability to push through and make it happen.
The last module, Get It Done, helps families create a detailed action plan that will concretize the plans that they have made. Daily schedules and tasks are detailed and given to the family members.
More information is available at