Seattle Restaurant ERC Eligibility & Tax Credit Application Service Launched

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Seattle-based employers can still access up to $26,000 per employee in pandemic relief funds, which never need to be repaid. This fast eligibility assessment and rebate calculator launched by Cottage Digital Media can determine if a business qualifies, with no cost or obligation.

This new rebate calculator and eligibility assessment launched by Cottage Digital Media can help almost any Seattle-based small to medium-sized business qualify for rebates, including startups, new businesses founded during the pandemic, and non-profit organizations such as churches, clinics, and schools.

More information about tax credit eligibility requirements, the rebate calculator, and the fast application service, can be found at

Restaurants, bars, and other hospitality-focused industries may still qualify for up to $26,000 per employee in rebates from the federal government, using the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) program. The new eligibility assessment can help them determine if they qualify, and how much they may be eligible for, by answering 10 simple questions with no cost or obligation.

The entire assessment can be completed in approximately one minute while requiring no proprietary business information. Though the eligibility check includes an estimate of how much each business may be eligible for in tax credits, these are estimates only.

Eligible employers can also maximize their rebates using a 15 Minute Refund program, which is only available from a single firm of ERTC specialist CPAs. The program guarantees each business its maximum allowable rebate, with no risk, no up-front fees, and only 15 minutes required from the business owner.

The ERTC pandemic relief program provides one-time payouts that are reimbursement for wages employers have already paid during 2020 and 2021. The rebates are not a loan, never require repayment, and have no restrictions on how they can be spent.

Any business may qualify and claim rebates, including those that have already received loans through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). To qualify, it must have had between 5 and 500 W-2 employees on the payroll, and been affected by the pandemic in some way. This can be shown through financial losses, reduced operating capacity, remote working limitations, or temporary closures due to lockdowns.

The ERTC specialist CPA firm is offering this service throughout Washington, Oregon, and California, with equal access for all employers. By requiring no up-front fees, and offering the service with no risk, any employer can claim ERTC rebates without payment until after they receive their rebate, and with no charge if they do not qualify.

Research suggests that the average small business rebate is approximately $150,000, though with no upper limit on funding, some employers have been able to claim more than $2 million.

More information about ERTC rebates, the maximum allowable tax credit guarantee, and the 15 Minute Refund program can be found at
