Pamela Bruner Reveals Coaching Industry’s Growth Dictates New Marketing Tactics

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Pamela Bruner, CEO of Attract Clients Online, shares success tips to build lucrative and rewarding coaching businesses using successful online marketing strategies.

Pamela Bruner is a business coach who specializes in helping all kinds of coaches attract high-paying clients. Bruner teaches her own clients how to get 10,000 leads per year to build successful coaching businesses.

Bruner asserts that it is more important now than ever before to use an effective marketing program to attract the right clients, given the increased competition within the coaching industry.

According to research done by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), there was a worldwide increase in the number of coaches between 2015 and 2019 of 33 percent. It is estimated by many that growth since the beginning of the pandemic has far outpaced that historic rate. The coaching industry has been one of the areas of growth in the world’s economy since the COVID-19-inspired “Great Resignation.”

Bruner went from earning $375 a month as a coach to seven figures in less than 3 years. Now, she helps others with the most important elements coaches can use to find, market to, and work with their ideal clients.

“I have to make a confession. When I started in the coaching business, I was terrible at marketing,” says Pamela Bruner, CEO of Attract Clients Online. “Then I figured out how to attract clients online, and my life changed big time!”

Bruner has now been in business for 14 years, and she has seen a lot of changes since those early days. But the changes that are affecting everyone now are on a new level, fundamentally altering the way entrepreneurs market to their potential clients.

We are living in a new reality. What worked before doesn’t work now,” says Bruner. “One of the things that breaks my heart is when someone says that they tried to work some guru’s model of something he did eight years ago that was successful then. We need new marketing methods that work for today.”

The three main marketing tactics that are outdated, according to Bruner, are:

SEO for coaches: SEO is good for people who have a well-recognized offering in a local area, such as being the best dog-walker in a small town; in that case, SEO can be very successful. But for coaches trying to attract clients all over the world, SEO is useless. Bruner says not to pay money for it or spend time on it.

Local networking groups like Chambers of Commerce: For those who have thought about attending their local Chamber of Commerce event, they should save their time. Those who are not highly charismatic attention-grabbers may feel that others outshine them, and no one really understands coaching. On top of that, it seems that everyone is a coach now.

Organic posting on social media: Using social media seems like a low-stress way to get clients. One only has to post a few times in somebody’s Facebook group and people will beat a path to their door. Except that doesn’t happen. For one thing, Facebook’s algorithm has become very picky about which content gets shown to which people. In addition, the mere fact of someone seeing a post does not mean that they are an ideal client. Organic posting is not targeted enough to create the kind of success seen by Bruner’s coaching clients.

Instead, Bruner reveals the updated marketing know-how that attracts clients with money: aA plan that helps a coach develop a money-attracting brand, create a high-ticket signature system, and utilize a client-attracting funnel.

Bruner’s many clients have experienced success using her plan.

Client John English, of Ancient Wisdom for Modern Business, says, “In the first six weeks of working with Pamela, I have booked $68,000 worth of clients for my programs! I’m so happy I joined Pamela’s program!”

Pamela Bruner says that there are only a few very well-defined steps in this plan, but if even one of them is not done correctly, coaches will automatically attract people who are either not suited to their services or can’t afford to pay.

Those who would like to learn more about Bruner and her work can visit her website at Attract Clients Online.
