How To Be More Eco-Friendly

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( — March 7, 2023) — Nowadays, nobody can deny the negative impact that pollution and the excessive use of some resources have on the environment. It is frustrating and, unfortunately, irreversible. However, there are some actions we can take to reduce the damage we are causing to our planet. It is a matter of changing our habits.

Recycling and reusing  

There’s no news that recycling our trash is a great way of contributing to green policies, and it is something we all should be doing. But there are other ways of reusing materials and products which can have as positive results as recycling plastic bags or packages.

Have you thought about leftovers?  

It is true that there are times when we cook for our family and not everything is eaten that same day. Unfortunately, in many houses all over the globe, those leftovers are thrown away, and people don’t even think about all the processes that those vegetables they used for that salad have been through at the farm or how the land has been used along the vast extensions of the countryside to allow those animals to be fed correctly.

This is why eating leftovers, maybe with even an additional new touch to make them slightly different from the previous meal, can be a useful and practical way of reusing resources.

What’s more, at home you can be as creative as you want. So, using those chicken breasts from the night before to prepare a chicken and potatoes salad is a delicious option. Or using that spinach, beans, and cheese salad to make a pie filling for your next dinner is another tasty choice. If you usually cook rice for your meals and then you don’t know what to do with those leftovers, check this link that will help you prepare an exquisite arroz chaufa recipe.

What about your clothes and footwear?  

People usually tend to buy clothes constantly, or at least pretty often. This can be due to a variety of factors: they may be tired of wearing the same clothes every day, their size may change or fashion may be pushing them to always be updated.

A crucial aspect to consider when thinking about clothes is the number of resources that are needed for the production of each item. Think about electricity, fabrics, means of transport, and workforce, just to mention some of them. There are many different things to bear in mind.

This is why buying previously worn clothes or footwear can be a very eco-friendly option. Also, you can sell the clothes that you know you are not going to wear anymore and which are in good condition.

Saving energy  

Everybody knows that there are renewable and nonrenewable natural resources, but what is sometimes forgotten is the fact that all of them should be used consciously.

In the case of renewable resources, such as wood or electricity, great effort is put every day to produce them. So, not only should we be aware of the amount of, for instance, the electricity we use, we have to try to replace it with some other source of energy as well, which maybe is easier to produce.

Nonrenewable resources are even more worrying. Let’s take the case of water. There are many campaigns to raise awareness of water use all over the world, but it seems that we really need to make it conscious: if we don’t save the water we use, there will be no water to save at all in some years’ time.

Nobody says it is easy, but it is possible. There are various ways of replacing the typical –and disappearing– sources of energy that we have been using for the last decades. It is just a matter of promoting them.

Final words  

There are no more excuses. No matter if you choose to reuse your leftovers, buy pre-worn clothes, or save energy, apart from recycling plastic packages and separating your trash, there exist several options to contribute with green policies.

Hopefully, the newest generations will grow up way more aware of this environmental issue and they will act in consequence. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t forget that, in order to teach them, we have to learn first. And what is better than learning through doing?