Gourmet Indonesian Bali Blue Dark Medium Roasted & Wet Hulled Coffee Launched

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Boss Brew Coffee LLC has expanded its gourmet coffee selection with Bali Blue, a medium-dark option with hints of dark chocolate and brown sugar. It complements the company’s wider range with a unique, solid taste.

The recently added Bali Blue coffee is grown in the Kintamani region of Bali at an altitude of 1,200 to 1,600 meters. The tasting profile is characterized by a unique blend of dark chocolate, molasses, and brown sugar notes that create a complex flavor.

More information can be found at https://bossbrewcoffee.shop/products/bali-blue

Made from certified Organic beans, Boss Brew Coffee continues its support for local communities with its latest release. The dark medium roast coffee is derived from wet-hulled beans that are hand-picked and raised-bed-dried in Kintamani, Bali. The meticulous process sustains the flavor and bouquet of the coffee but also supports the livelihood of the farmers who grow it.

The resulting flavor is suitable for coffee enthusiasts who enjoy a rich and bold cup with a smooth finish, the company explains. As with its other flavor options, Boss Brew Coffee aims to deliver a rewarding and gourmet drinking experience at a cost-effective price point.

“Boss Brew Coffee was created and inspired to provide consumers the convenience of having premium fresh roasted coffee products delivered to them in lieu of purchasing store-bought coffee products that could have been roasted months prior,” the company states.

The smallholder farmers who grow Bali Blue coffee in Kintamani are passionate about producing high-quality beans. The altitude plays a crucial role in the development of the coffee’s flavor, as it influences the beans’ acidity and sweetness.

The soil type contributes to Bali Blue coffee’s unique profile as well. The beans grow in volcanic loam soil, which provides the beans with essential nutrients and minerals that contribute to their distinctive taste.

Boss Brew Coffee says the demand for Bali Blue coffee has been on the rise in recent years, and its unique flavor has gained recognition in the coffee industry worldwide. Many coffee connoisseurs appreciate the coffee’s flavor and aroma, and it has become a favorite among specialty coffee shops and roasters.

A spokesperson states: “Let’s make your every morning sip energetic, delicious, and full of flavor with Bali Blue. This single-origin premium coffee has an Organic certification and provides you with the Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia region’s taste.”

Other options available in the store’s selection include coffee from Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, Honduras, and a variety of other destinations.

Interested parties can learn more at: https://bossbrewcoffee.shop/products/bali-blue

Source: http://newswire.net/newsroom/pr/00000000-https-bossbrewcoffee-shop.html