Krishen Iyer Supercharging Marketing Automation with AI

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( — April 4, 2023) —

In today’s highly competitive digital marketing landscape, industry expert Krishen Iyer emphasizes the necessity of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and customer journey orchestration to stay ahead of the curve and meet consumers’ rising expectations.

Traditional marketing automation platforms (MAPs) have their limitations when catering to customers’ dynamic demands. The rules-based approach often fails to adjust to factors such as customer segmentation, propensity to purchase, and past behaviors. Consequently, businesses relying solely on marketing automation may find engaging with customers across multiple channels challenging.

Krishen Iyer proposes that merging customer journey orchestration and AI with marketing automation can bridge the gap between what MAPs offer and what customers expect. He believes that this innovative combination can address several challenges and limitations associated with legacy marketing automation systems.

Krishen Iyer Overcoming Challenges in Legacy Marketing Automation

Although marketing automation has delivered impressive results in the past, shifting customer expectations and behaviors have pushed traditional methods to their limits. Brands that depend on marketing automation alone often struggle to engage active customers across multiple channels.

The personalization capabilities of most MAPs are limited to basic rules-based instructions (“if this, then that”). For instance, if customers abandon their shopping cart, the system may send them a reminder email. However, this approach fails to account for complex variations based on factors like customer segmentation, purchasing propensity, past individual behavior, and more.

To address these limitations, businesses must augment their marketing automation strategies with customer journey orchestration and AI.

The Power of Journey Orchestration

Customer journey orchestration (CJO) was designed for multi-channel communication, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking to engage with customers across various platforms, such as emails, SMS messages, mobile app notifications, website landing pages, and social media advertising.

CJO enables a more targeted approach, using branching to create unique experiences for different customers, even if they’re part of the same journey. This allows businesses to align their marketing automation efforts with customers’ growing expectations, providing them with content, offers, and experiences when and where they want them.

AI: The Game Changer for Marketing Automation

AI plays a pivotal role in augmenting marketing automation, offering adaptability and responsiveness to customer requirements. Dynamic segmentation made possible through AI-driven machine learning algorithms, can identify patterns in data, transforming static audience segments into more flexible ones. By grouping customers based on purchasing patterns or behavior, businesses can deliver personalized content, offers, and experiences at the right moment through the appropriate channels.

Furthermore, propensity calculation and predictive analytics enable marketers to determine the optimal next step or offer for individual customers. Generative AI tools promise to craft truly tailored content and visuals, fostering relevance, loyalty, and lifetime value for customers.

Three Key Aspects for Successful Implementation

Krishen Iyer outlines three crucial aspects businesses must consider when implementing journey orchestration and AI in their marketing automation:

  1. Customized journeys: Concentrate on delivering individualized experiences by adopting a customer-centric approach instead of a one-size-fits-all strategy.

  2. Seamless integrations: Enhance platform and data integrations to create a smooth, omnichannel experience. Encourage collaboration among marketing teams throughout the campaign’s development, measurement, and optimization.

  3. Comprehensive approach: Adopt a customer-centric, omnichannel strategy that harnesses the multi-channel potential of journey orchestration and AI’s ability to process structured and unstructured data.

Building a Strong Foundation

Businesses must establish a solid foundation to augment marketing automation with customer journey orchestration and AI successfully. Integrating various platforms and unifying data sources are essential steps in this process.

Platform integrations may require connecting multiple systems in ways that have not been done before. Starting with an iterative approach, businesses can gradually build an omnichannel setup by integrating one system at a time. This method allows for quicker implementation, increased efficiency, and better results as teams gain experience.

On the other hand, data integrations demand a unified data source that considers customer preferences, purchase history, and behavioral data across multiple internal systems and platforms. This approach may also benefit from incorporating demographic or psychographic information when available. However, integrating data sources can be a daunting task, even for the most sophisticated organizations.

Lastly, team integration is crucial for effective CJO and AI utilization. Marketing teams working on different channels, such as email, mobile apps, and SMS, must collaborate from the initial campaign and content creation to measurement and optimization.

Final Thoughts on Krishen Iyer’s Insight

Businesses can significantly enhance their marketing automation strategies by leveraging customer journey orchestration and AI-driven approaches. This powerful combination can help deliver valuable customer experiences while boosting brand performance.

Krishen Iyer’s expertise in digital marketing emphasizes the importance of adopting a comprehensive, customer-centric approach that keeps pace with the ever-changing demands of consumers. As businesses strive to meet these expectations, merging marketing automation with AI and customer journey orchestration can lead to remarkable results.

In conclusion, Krishen Iyer’s insights highlight the potential of AI and customer journey orchestration in transforming marketing automation. By embracing these cutting-edge technologies, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and deliver exceptional customer experiences.