ERTC 2020 Tax Credit For SMB: Covid-19 Relief Application Service Update

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ERTC Express has announced a new update to its Employee Retention Tax Credit service, focusing on helping small business owners to recover the maximum funds they are owed following the impact of the pandemic.

The team explains that 75% of businesses who successfully claimed funds through its services were initially unaware they qualified – and the new announcement aims to expand its support and guidance to ensure the credits do not go unclaimed.

More information can be found at

The new announcement is part of a nationwide education campaign to demystify the application process and highlight eligibility requirements. ERTC Express has a team of over 3,200 specialists nationwide who focus on helping clients navigate the application and secure the maximum refund before it becomes too late to do so.

The ERTC program was designed to provide financial aid to businesses that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program offers up to $26,000 per employee in refundable tax credits to qualifying businesses, helping companies that have been struggling to maintain their workforce or adapt to conditions following the crisis.

ERTC Express is positioned to assist businesses nationwide with claim guidance. The team has years of experience in the field and understands the specific qualification requirements of the program. They have worked with businesses of all sizes and industries to help them navigate the complexities of the ERTC system and maximize their benefits.

According to ERTC Express, to qualify for the ERTC program, businesses must have experienced revenue losses, supply chain disruptions, or partial or full shutdowns due to the pandemic. Other factors are also considered, and ERTC Express can assist businesses in determining their eligibility – while also helping them submit their claims to the IRS.

A spokesperson states: “The ERTC tax incentive has several provisions that make it possible for employers who were not forced to completely shut down their business to still qualify for the ERTC. Businesses that were forced to partially shut down their business can make a claim. Additionally, businesses without a government mandate to shut down or partially shut down their business can still qualify through revenue decline. It’s a complicated process, but we can help you find out if you qualify if you’re still unsure.”

Interested parties can learn more at
