Premium Specialty Dark French Roasts For Drip Coffee: Selection Expanded

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Online specialty coffee shop GoCoffeeGo has expanded its collection of dark French roast coffee.

The newest additions to their inventory include French-roasted single-origin coffee, espresso blends, and more, which are suitable for making drip coffee. Customers who purchase from GoCoffeeGo can expect their order to be roasted on the same day it is shipped, ensuring optimal freshness and flavor.

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The latest move reflects GoCoffeeGo’s devotion to sourcing high-quality coffee from specialty coffee circles in the industry, especially when it comes to French-style and other similarly dark-roasted coffees. In spite of what the name might suggest, French roasts do not originate from France; the term describes coffee made from beans that have been roasted until dark brown. Although this roast is typically favored for espressos due to its strong taste, the roasting process strips the coffee beans of most of their characteristics, which often masks the inferior flavor of low-quality beans.

Because the products on GoCoffeeGo’s site undergo rigorous evaluation before they are listed, customers can be assured that the coffee they order from the company is of premium quality, regardless of the roasting process.

One such example is the Beaujolais Blend – Dark Roast, a French roast provided by Thanksgiving Coffee. This is a heavy-bodied, rich coffee blended from beans grown in Central and South America, Africa, and Indonesia to create a complex beverage with hints of caramel, nuts, and spice.

GoCoffeeGo also recommends Bird Rock Coffee Roasters’ aptly named French Roast, a dark-roasted coffee with a unique flavor profile. The beans are roasted until brown but do not come out oily; this results in a bold, buttery coffee with notes of chocolate, caramel, and apple. This coffee is made from beans produced by farmers in Guatemala, with whom Bird Rock Coffee Roasters has direct trade partnerships.

A popular choice among GoCoffeeGo’s members is the French Roast Fair Trade Organic, which is roasted by Equator Coffees. This blend is made from a combination of certified fair-trade organic beans from Latin America and Sumatra, which yields a rich beverage with hints of chocolate, dried plum, and walnut.

With many French roasts and other unique varieties of coffee available for perusal, GoCoffeeGo remains one of the premier niche marketplaces for specialty coffee. The company has been serving coffee connoisseurs nationwide for over a decade.

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