Peoria AC Ductwork Modification For Indoor Air Quality: Expert Service Update

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Clark Heating and Cooling (1-602-793-2477), based in Phoenix, has announced updates to their HVAC maintenance and optimization services for clients in Peoria and the surrounding areas.

Aimed at home owners who hope to stave off the Arizona heat this summer, the updated services focus on whole-house air duct modifications for HVAC air conditioning systems.

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The revised AC maintenance and installation solutions from Clark Heating and Cooling target humidity levels and airflow in a house or business facility. As improperly sized ductwork can contribute to high humidity and discomfort, the company’s technicians assess whether the AC unit’s ductwork in a home is functioning efficiently.

According to a recent study from the EPA, the indoor air in the average home contains between 2 to 5 times the pollutants found in outside air, regardless of whether a home is in a rural or urban area. Many homeowners are unaware of how poor their indoor air quality is, and may not realize that regular AC maintenance from Clark Heating and Cooling can improve air freshness. “Our mission and goal is to bring real comfort and healthy air so customers can really enjoy being inside the home,” says a company spokesperson.

To gauge whether an HVAC system is working optimally, the trained technicians use a device to measure air quality within a home or business in real time. If air flow or quality is impaired, the technicians look closely at the system’s ductwork to determine if it is properly sized and fitted.

In addition to an analysis of the ductwork, the team will make assessments about the HVAC system’s return grill, return box, and filter to ensure that airflow is maximized. In particular, they look closely at the filter, as the filter is essential for optimizing AC capacity and performance. If an analysis shows that any components are sub-optimal, the technicians recommend improvements or modifications.

Clark Heating and Cooling can enhance AC equipment performance and provide maximum airflow with minimum noise through whole-house air duct modifications.

With roots in Hawaii, the company aims to bring the “Spirit of Aloha” to its work, a concept that includes the principles of honesty, humility, and love for others.

Further details can be found at:
