Infinite Banking Concept Tax Reduction Strategy, Implementation Guide Released

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Individuals looking to improve their tax planning strategy can now learn how to use the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) as a tax-free lending system to fund large purchases with I Own My Bank’s latest guide.

‘I Own My Bank’ aims to provide insights into the IBC, which was developed by economist R. Nelson Nash and takes advantage of the tax-deferred/free attributes of whole life insurance policies.

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With the guide, readers can find details on how they can start implementing IBC strategies into their own finances as a means of paying for large purchases without incurring the fees associated with bank loans.

As bank interest rates now range from 8.74% to 21.24% and a growing distrust for banks seeing a reported 30% of individuals being unhappy with their services, many are seeking alternative options for their finances. That’s where the IBC can help with its tax-free and low-interest benefits.

‘I Own My Bank’ explains that while R. Nelson Nash’s IBC is a financial strategy used by the elite to both maintain and grow their wealth, almost anyone can implement it for themselves. This strategy involves paying premiums into a whole life insurance policy to build up its cash value, which is then accessible in 30 days following the policy’s creation.

‘I Own My Bank’s’ guide then outlines the advantages this strategy offers, such as when money is taken from a whole life insurance policy in the form of a loan, it is not considered a taxable event. As the money is not considered income, as it would be if it was a basic withdrawal, policyholders can use this money to fund large purchases without incurring the additional costs of a traditional bank loan.

Individuals looking to learn more about the IBC can sign up for an educational webinar that covers the strategy and how to use it in greater detail.

A spokesperson for ‘I Own My Bank’ said, “We outline the exact method for getting your money to work like a machine by recycling and recapturing the money you spend every day.”

Interested parties can find more information by visiting
