A Pet Owner’s Guide to Safely Using CBD Products on a Dog

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(Newswire.net — September 22, 2023) — In recent years, CBD has become one of the most talked-about topics in the health and wellness space. CBD gets its name from the word “cannabidiol,” which is a compound found in hemp. Once extracted and turned into a supplement, CBD can then be consumed to help with a variety of issues ranging from chronic pain to major neurological symptoms. CBD is all-natural, plant-based, and relatively safe, which is why dog owners are now joining in on the fray.

Can Dogs Have CBD?

Yes, dogs can have CBD and experience benefits that can improve their quality of life. Like humans, dogs have something called an endocannabinoid system, which is a system of CBD-shaped nerve receptors located throughout the body. When CBD is ingested and binds to these receptors, it can have various therapeutic effects on the muscles, organs, and other tissues. However, it’s important to take extra care when considering a CBD regimen for your pooch.

How to Give CBD Safely to Your Dog

1. Only Use Products Intended for Dogs

CBD for humans can be found in a variety of forms, such as pills, tinctures, drinks, or even gummy candies. Products meant for human consumption can have additional ingredients that aren’t suitable for dogs, or they may be processed alongside other products that can actually harm your dog’s health. The label will also contain dosage information for human bodies. These days, CBD dog treats can be found easily online or in any major pet store, so they are just as readily available as the human stuff.

2. Check for THC

The hemp plant contains high amounts of CBD and trace amounts of THC, which is the psychoactive compound in hemp’s cousin, marijuana. THC is also toxic to dogs in high amounts. Research shows that CBD may be more effective when combined with THC in humans, so some companies may put out CBD products that also contain a bit of THC. To prevent the risk of accidentally poisoning your dog, always check the label of your CBD for any hidden THC content. Most reputable companies will test their products and provide these results on the label or the product’s webpage.

3. Start Slow

If your dog has severe anxiety or pain, it may be tempting to give them a large dose of CBD. However, it’s best to start with the lowest recommended dose. Not only will this give you time to deal with any possible side effects, but it’s also the most effective method of administering CBD. CBD is a compound that takes time to “build up” in the body before any real effects are shown, so getting a small dose every day for a week is more beneficial than getting one big dose at once.

Holistic Health Matters

Like any other supplement, CBD is meant to support, not treat. Adequate nutrition, exercise, and rest are also important to the overall health of your dog. Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new supplements to your canine companion, and always consult your doctor before adding new supplements to your own routine.