Lormor Internet Publishing announces an updated edition of its self-help book on surviving a relationship with a narcissist, “Disarming the Narcissist: How to Stay Married to a Narcissistic Partner and Still Be (Reasonably) Happy.”
The recently revised edition of “Disarming the Narcissist: How to Stay Married to a Narcissistic Partner and Still Be (Reasonably) Happy” consists of contributions by five women authors, all of whom have been or are currently married to a narcissist. They share their personal experiences and reveal successful methods for neutralizing the narcissist’s tactics and coping mechanisms for restoring the readers’ sense of self-worth.
More details are available at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071F45JQM
Unlike other self-help guides on surviving narcissism, the revised edition of this “Disarming the Narcissist” book does not advise women on leaving their partner but on building coping skills to maintain a reasonably happy relationship. The authors assume the reader is still committed to her partner or that she intends to stay with him until the time is right to leave.
This edition offers a diverse group of perspectives from five authors, some of whom have been married for more than 20 years and one author younger than 25 who has been married for only a couple of years.
The authors offer advice on many topics, such as coping with narcissistic selfishness, manipulation, and jealousy; communicating with the narcissist; supporting oneself in the relationship; considerations for children involved; preparing to leave (if applicable); and much more.
Readers will also learn how to reconceptualize their narcissistic spouse’s behavior so that it is changed for the better, can be tolerated with less frustration, or seen in a totally new way. The authors hold out hope for the reader that it is possible to change their perspective on their relationship so they may find peace of mind and (at least some) happiness. They know it can be done for many marriages because they were able to apply it to their own. For some, these relationship tools have been a permanent fix. For others, the coping skills at least extended the marriage and made it bearable until such a time that it felt like a good time to leave (such as waiting for the kids to graduate and leave home, for example).
One reviewer says, “This book was so enlightening. Just reading what others are going through and surviving is encouraging. Well written book. A must read.”
Another reviewer says, “Most of the material I read or videos I watch on the narcissistic personality says run from them and stay away from them because they will never change, but this is a very negative approach,” the reader said. “I’m married to a narc and started researching the personality trait so that I could learn how to interact with him to maintain peace in our household. This book has been giving me tons of useful tools and advice.”
As of this announcement, the new edition of “Disarming the Narcissist: How to Stay Married to a Narcissistic Partner and Still Be (Reasonably) Happy.” has a 4.1 average star rating and over 140 reviews. It is available for purchase on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback formats.
Note: The publisher and the authors cannot and do not recommend staying in a marriage or relationship where physical abuse is taking place. Violence is never a situation a person should be subjected to – ever. But the authors make the argument that at least some (non-violent) narcissistic relationships are worth salvaging and trying to make work, and they provide the experience and tools to help.
Interested parties can find more information at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071F45JQM