(Newswire.net — October 23, 2023) — Back pain is a common issue for many citizens. Whether your back pain is caused by damaged muscles or a bulging disc, time with a physical therapist can help you move more easily and manage your pain more effectively.
1. Physical Therapy Helps Relieve Spasms
If your back pain includes spasms that make even simple movement difficult, your physical therapist may be able to help release those spasms. Therapies and practices such as focusing on your posture can bring the spine back into realignment and take the pressure off of muscles that are seizing. You may also get tips on how to breathe through the spasms and lower their impact before moving again.
2. You Can Rebuild Your Gait with Physical Therapy
When your back hurts, you may move more stiffly. You may find yourself bumping into things or tripping. Such stiff motion can impact your gait and even lead to poor balance, increasing your risk of a painful fall. While your physical therapist observes your movement, walking with a handrail beside you can help you loosen up your movement and move with more confidence. Your therapist may also be able to help you focus on heel-to-toe walking motions that allow you to maintain a steadier gait.
3. The Right Exercises Can Stabilize Your Spine with Deep Muscle Action
Often, back injuries occur because our core muscles are not strong. Even if your back is sore, there are exercises your therapist can guide you through that will strengthen the deep muscles from the pelvis to the rib cage and up your spine. These muscles, once strengthened, can help you stand more erect and protect your spine from further damage.
4. Your Physical Therapist Will Observe Your Range of Motion
Exercising when your back hurts can be challenging; you may be compensating for your back pain with poor posture. In such a case, your exercise routine may actually increase your back pain or cause pain in other areas of the body. With your physical therapist beside you to help you maintain proper alignment, your exercises will have a positive impact. As possible, work with your therapist in front of a mirror. Note what areas of your body fail to align and try to memorize the feeling of your body when in perfect alignment.
5. You’ll Be Guided Through Stiffness Into Healthy Movement
Being stiff and sore can make it hard to start your recommended exercises, even if you know you’ll feel better at the end. By applying ice or heat before your physical therapy session, your therapist can help you loosen up and move with more ease. The monitoring your physical therapist offers can often make you more aware of your physical alignment, allowing you to apply their guidance even outside of the physical therapy session.
Back pain seldom improves without help. If you’re using heat and ice to no avail, talk with your doctor about a referral to a physical therapist. If you’re using painkillers or muscle relaxants and getting no relief, time with a physical therapist may bring relief.