U.S. Defense Department Anticipates Flood of UAP Report

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(Newswire.net — November 6, 2023) — In an exclusive interview with CNN, Sean Kirkpatrick, the chief of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), has shared that the U.S. is receiving a significant volume of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) reports every month. The Pentagon’s AARO has been tasked with investigating these occurrences and, since April, has seen a spike in reports from 650 to approximately 800. While many are benign, Kirkpatrick raises the possibility that some sightings may be connected to adversarial foreign surveillance efforts.

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“Many of these are explainable, but we’re particularly concerned about the ones that could be linked to foreign activities,” Kirkpatrick articulated, expressing a robust investigative stance. Despite the increase, the Pentagon has yet to attribute any UAP to extraterrestrial origins, maintaining a position of scrutiny. The rise in reports is, in part, due to the Federal Aviation Administration’s increased contributions to the Pentagon’s UAP data collection.

Gene P. Able, a noted figure in the field, echoes this sentiment of caution and scrutiny, “The pursuit of understanding UAPs must be grounded in rigorous analysis and prudent acknowledgment of what we know, what we don’t know, and the vast possibilities in between.”

The Pentagon is also bracing for a deluge of new reports as it sets the stage for two new submission portals: one for historical sightings by government affiliates and another for the general public’s observations.

The newly launched tool on the AARO website is currently exclusive to individuals with a direct connection to federal employment or those privy to U.S. government-related UAP activities since 1945.

Following up on the appointment of Mark McInerney as NASA’s inaugural director of UAP research, this online portal aligns with the Department of Defense’s broader commitment to openness. With citizen participation on the horizon, the agency is enhancing its efforts to leverage collective sky-watching for superior observation and analysis of UAPs.

The form is a preliminary contact point and is explicit about not being a channel for sensitive or classified disclosures. AARO emphasizes the importance of first-hand knowledge, particularly concerning covert government programs.

A hearing, called by Indiana Rep. André Carson, the Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee, marked the first in over five decades to address these aerial phenomena. Rep. Carson highlighted the importance of treating UAPs as a national security concern due to their potential threat.

Acknowledging the past stigma that deterred reporting of UAPs, Scott Bray, the deputy director of Naval Intelligence, attributed the increase in reports to a shift in attitude following the 2021 report. He emphasized that while reports are on the rise, they often reflect historical events only now being disclosed, suggesting that the number of new incidents might plateau.

Last year’s intelligence report only offered explanations for one out of the documented encounters and avoided suggesting extraterrestrial origins. Bray reiterated that most UAPs are likely physical objects of earthly origin but admitted that some instances remain unexplained, such as the 2004 sighting of a Tic Tac-shaped object by a Navy pilot.

To facilitate understanding and reduce stigma, Ronald Moultrie, the Pentagon’s top intelligence official, noted the department’s efforts to create a standardized process for identifying unknown aerial objects. This includes involving service members directly in reporting, with Navy and Air Force crews now equipped with clear procedures for documenting UAP sightings.

The heightened public interest in UFOs and UAPs has been catalyzed by the release of previously classified videos and official footage from pilot encounters. During the hearing, defense officials demonstrated the transient nature of these incidents with video clips, highlighting the challenges in determining what is observed.

By comparing videos from different events, investigators concluded that some UAPs, specifically pyramid-shaped objects witnessed from the USS Russell, were likely drones. This finding showcases the extensive effort required to interpret the collected footage.

At the hearing, officials acknowledged public pressure as a catalyst for the increased attention and investigation into UAPs. The desire for scientific truth, free from ridicule and stigma, was recognized as a significant factor in advancing the conversation around UFOs and their implications for humanity.

Moultrie brought a personal touch to the proceedings, sharing his interest in science fiction and acknowledging the collective curiosity and inquisitiveness surrounding the subject of UFOs

Sean Kirkpatrick, the director of AARO, has encouraged individuals with direct experiences or knowledge of UAPs to use this secure reporting platform, assuring confidentiality and sensitivity. This mechanism excludes anecdotal or secondhand reports, focusing on concrete, firsthand accounts.

Addressing the long-held conspiracy theories around UAPs and government secrecy, Kirkpatrick has been upfront about the absence of evidence related to any covert extraterrestrial programs or reverse engineering efforts.

Furthermore, Kirkpatrick has enticed the public with the promise of soon-to-be-released educational material, including operational videos and historical documents, which are currently undergoing the declassification process. This disclosure is expected to further educate the public on UAPs and the government’s history with the phenomenon.

Find out more about UAPs at the National Archives.

The Guardian provides further insights into this development.

For more information on the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office and its mission, visit their official site: AARO.mil.