2023 Thanksgiving Winter Storm Driver Tips

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(Newswire.net — November 21, 2023) — ELDTPro Trucking Insights

As Western Alaska faces a severe winter storm during the busy Thanksgiving week, Julia Ungrue, a spokesperson for ELDTPro, provides essential strategies for drivers. With the holiday season seeing increased road traffic, her advice is timely for ensuring safety in these challenging conditions.

Julia Ungrue – Spokesperson for ELDTPro

Pre-Storm Preparations for Truckers and Passenger Vehicle Drivers

“Staying informed is the key to any successful journey, especially when it comes to winter storms,” says Ungrue. She suggests truckers and drivers research local road closures before hitting the highway and take precautions like carrying a reliable snow shovel or extra food in case of detours. 

Vehicle Readiness

  • Antifreeze Levels: “Ensuring your antifreeze is at the correct level is crucial to prevent freezing,” emphasizes Ungrue. Regular checks can prevent engine damage.
  • Brakes and Lights Check: “Functioning brakes and lights are non-negotiable for safe winter driving,” says Ungrue. It’s essential for visibility and stopping under icy conditions.

Emergency Kits 

  • Clothing and Blankets: “Always carry extra warm clothing and blankets,” advises Ungrue. They can be lifesavers if stranded in cold weather.
  • Food and Water: Keeping non-perishable food and water is vital. “In case of a delay or breakdown, these supplies are essential,” Ungrue notes.

Additional Advice for Passenger Vehicle Drivers

  • Tire Check: Ensure tires are suitable for winter conditions. “Good tire tread can make a significant difference on icy roads,” Ungrue adds.
  • Battery Check: Cold weather can affect battery performance. “Checking your battery’s health can prevent unexpected breakdowns,” she suggests.

General Tips

  • Plan Your Route: Ungrue recommends checking weather updates and planning routes accordingly. “Avoiding areas with severe weather warnings can save you from hazardous situations,” she advises.
  • Inform Someone of Your Travel Plans: “Let someone know your route and expected arrival time,” suggests Ungrue. This ensures someone is aware in case of emergencies.

“Preparation can significantly reduce risks during winter storms,” concludes Ungrue. While simple, these steps can significantly enhance safety for truckers and passenger vehicle drivers.

Navigating the Storm for Truckers and Passenger Vehicle Drivers

Navigating through a storm requires more than just driving skills; it demands a strategic approach, especially considering that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports a significant increase in accident risks under adverse weather conditions.

Adapting Driving to Weather Conditions

  • Staying Informed: “Regularly check weather updates to stay informed about the storm’s progress,” advises Julia Ungrue from ELDTPro. She emphasizes that real-time weather information is crucial for making informed decisions about route adjustments or stops, helping drivers avoid the storm’s most dangerous elements.
  • Route Planning: “Plan your route with current weather conditions in mind, and always have a backup plan,” suggests Ungrue. She points out that approximately 21% of vehicle crashes are weather-related, underlining the importance of careful route planning. She recommends always having alternative routes and being prepared for sudden changes in weather conditions.
  • Reducing Speed: “Reducing speed in adverse conditions can prevent many accidents,” Ungrue adds. She explains that lower speeds allow for better reaction times and vehicle control, especially on slippery roads where stopping distances are significantly increased.
  • Maintaining Safe Distances: Ungrue advises maintaining increased distances between vehicles. This precaution is essential on wet or icy roads, where stopping distances can be unpredictable, and sudden braking can lead to skidding or loss of control.

During Heavy Snow and High Winds

During heavy snow and high winds, drivers face compounded challenges. Ungrue provides specific advice to navigate these extreme conditions safely.

  • Visibility Precautions: “Clear snow and ice from your lights and reflectors regularly for better visibility,” stresses Ungrue. She highlights that maintaining visibility is vital for safe driving, particularly in heavy snow when visibility can rapidly decrease. Keeping lights and reflectors clear helps drivers see the road and ensures other road users can see them.
  • Handling Snow Drifts: “In the case of encountering snow drifts, waiting for plows or assistance is safer,” advises Ungrue. She cautions that driving through deep snow can result in vehicles becoming stuck, potentially putting drivers in dangerous situations, especially in remote areas.
  • Wind Handling: “Be prepared for sudden gusts, especially if driving high-profile vehicles like trucks,” she notes. Ungrue explains that strong winds can unexpectedly affect vehicle stability, and drivers should be particularly cautious on bridges or open stretches of road.

“Adapting to a storm’s dynamic and challenging conditions is crucial for safe travel,” concludes Ungrue. Her advice, blending proactive and reactive safety measures, is designed to enhance road safety for truckers and passenger vehicle drivers, ultimately helping reduce the risk of accidents during severe weather events.

Post-Storm Actions for Truckers and Passenger Vehicle Drivers

After navigating through a storm, it’s crucial to ensure personal and vehicle safety. These actions can help identify any issues that might have arisen during the storm and contribute to overall road safety.

  • Vehicle Inspection: “Inspecting your vehicle after the storm is crucial,” says Julia Ungrue. She advises checking for exterior damage, ensuring lights and brakes are fully functional, and looking for signs of wear or damage that harsh conditions may have caused. This step is vital to ensure the vehicle remains safe for future use.
  • Share Road Conditions: “Sharing your experiences and the conditions you encountered can help others prepare,” stresses Ungrue. She recommends using social platforms or communication channels among truckers to report on road conditions. This information can be invaluable for others who are planning their routes and can contribute to the safety of the larger driving community.
  • Rest and Recovery: Ungrue suggests that drivers rest and recover after driving through demanding conditions. “Mental and physical fatigue can set in after such challenging drives. It’s important to rest before getting back on the road,” she adds.

Post-storm actions are as crucial as the preparations and navigations during the storm. Ungrue’s advice highlights the importance of vehicle inspection, sharing information, and personal well-being, ensuring ongoing safety for truckers and all road users.

ELDTPro’s Training Advantage

Ungrue highlights ELDTPro’s comprehensive training, which prepares drivers for diverse conditions. “Our training goes beyond theory, preparing drivers for real-world conditions, including winter weather challenges,” she says. This approach fosters adaptability and resilience among truckers, which is crucial for navigating unpredictable weather.

Safety and Preparedness

ELDTPro’s curriculum, focusing on safety and preparedness, is especially relevant in harsh conditions. Aspiring drivers learn the theoretical aspects and the practical skills necessary for safe trucking, preparing them for situations like the current storm.

Encouraging Safe Trucking Practices

The guidance provided by ELDTPro and Ungrue serves as a vital resource for truckers facing the unique challenges of Alaskan winters. “Equipped with the right knowledge and strategies, truckers can navigate these challenging conditions more safely,” concludes Ungrue, underlining the importance of comprehensive training and preparedness for truckers.

Final Thoughts

As the storm continues, well-prepared and informed drivers stand a better chance of navigating safely. ELDTPro’s approach to CDL training, emphasizing safety in adverse conditions, proves invaluable in ensuring truckers’ well-being in such extreme weather scenarios.

About ELDTPro

ELDTPro is transforming commercial driver’s license (CDL) training with its innovative remote curriculum. Catering to aspiring commercial drivers, they offer comprehensive training that aligns with federal standards, ensuring both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. 

ELDTPro’s flexible, expert-led programs are designed to make CDL training accessible, regardless of location or personal circumstances. They are committed to empowering individuals to excel in the transportation industry.

For more information or to start your journey in commercial driving, contact ELDTPro today. Register for their transformative CDL training programs and take the first step towards a rewarding career in transportation. Reach out at:

  • Phone: 888.367.6482
  • Email: eldt@nitalaska.com
  • Address: ELDTpro by NIT, 1740 Terrilou Ct, Palmer, AK 99645

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