15 Key Measures To Prevent the Next Ransomware Attack

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(Newswire.net — December 8, 2023) — In an era where digital threats loom large, protecting against ransomware attacks is critical for people and enterprises. Ransomware, a dangerous cyber threat, coerces victims into paying large ransoms in exchange for data disclosure or system shutdown.

This post will look at 15 critical measures to strengthen your defenses and prevent the next ransomware attack. Each preventative technique, from developing strong incident response plans to implementing sophisticated email security solutions, is important in improving cybersecurity resilience. Implement these practical procedures to stay one step ahead of cyber threats and protect your digital assets.

What Exactly Are Ransomware Attacks?

Ransomware is a cyberattack in which an organization or person is threatened with financial repercussions. The attacker threatens to publish or permanently limit access to the victim’s personal or business data until a ransom is paid—usually in a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. Other recent versions include turning off utility, internet, oil pipeline connections, and business intranets.

15 Key Measures to Prevent the Next Ransomware Attack

Here are a few crucial ways to prevent ransomware infestations.

Establish Ransomware Policies and Plans

During a ransomware attack, an incident response (IR) strategy may assist in guiding your IT and security staff. Your internal communications strategy should contain responsibilities and messages to be shared during an event and a list of contacts (such as partners or suppliers) who must be alerted.

You may also add a company-wide “suspect email” policy that instructs staff on what to do if they receive a questionable email. You may specify precise technological measures or inform staff that these emails must be sent to the IT or security team.

Use a Firewall

A firewall’s primary function is to monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic. The firewall searches for evidence of known harmful payloads and prevents prospective threats using predefined rules and threat information. It is regarded as the first software-based line of protection against various threats, including ransomware.

Maintain Backups

The most effective means of recovering from a ransomware attack is data backup. Backup procedures, on the other hand, must be meticulously designed. All backup data must be well safeguarded. 

Furthermore, backup copies should be kept offline or out-of-band to avoid being targeted by threat actors. When dealing with a ransomware infestation, you may also employ cloud services since they often save prior copies of data. This allows you to restore some unencrypted versions of your data. Backups should be tested regularly to confirm that your procedure is working effectively.

Harden Endpoints

When establishing your systems, you should keep security in mind. Setting systems correctly helps lower the danger surface and eliminate security vulnerabilities caused by default configurations. Another approach is to adopt endpoint security solutions, such as Zero trust solutions, which may be incorporated into your operating system or provided by third-party vendors.

Segment Your Network

Once ransomware has entered the system, it may need to migrate laterally via the network before reaching the desired data. Network segmentation may prevent hackers from roaming freely between systems and devices.

When segmenting your network, ensure that each subsystem has its own set of security controls, a separate firewall and gateway, and rigorous and distinct access regulations. If an attacker compromises a segment, the danger is isolated while the remainder of the network remains safe.

Promote Employee Awareness

A security awareness course may assist in stopping ransomware protection in its tracks. When workers can detect and avoid harmful emails, the whole workforce contributes to the organization’s security. A security awareness program may teach workers what to look for in an email before downloading an attachment or clicking a link.

Run Security Tests Regularly

Security tests assist businesses in validating the health of their systems and networks regularly. A vulnerability assessment, for example, may assist in identifying flaws that may lead to breaches.

Security tests may detect a variety of concerns, such as system misconfigurations, holes in account rights, weak passwords, and faults with authentication procedures. To understand how systems and teams react to the attack, it is also critical to do penetration tests that simulate ransomware.

Frequently Update Systems

All apps, operating systems, and software must be updated regularly. You may assist in fixing security holes that threat actors always attempt to exploit by deploying the most recent patches. When feasible, enable auto-updates to guarantee that the most current security patches are automatically updated.

Whitelist Applications

Methods of whitelisting and backlisting help in controlling what activities and behaviors are permitted or prohibited. A whitelist permits operations, whereas a blacklist prohibits them. This strategy may be beneficial in stopping workers from installing unknown software on business computers by limiting installation to recognized applications. This may prevent ransomware from being installed.

Set Up a Sandbox

A sandbox is an isolated environment where data and programs may be executed without harming the network or host device. Sandboxes are often employed in testing settings, but they may also help to confine and test potentially harmful software. Sandboxes for malware detection provide an additional layer of defense against various threats, including ransomware. Sandboxes, on the other hand, could be more active and effective in detecting threats.

Implement Password Security

Threat actors hunt for weak passwords or default passwords to exploit when targeting systems and devices. Organizations that utilize weak or default passwords expose their digital assets to brute-force assaults. Organizations should use strong passwords and adopt multi-factor authentication to avoid this.

Use Ad Blockers or Browser Security Solutions

Malicious marketing is often used to entice customers to download and install ransomware. Installing ad filters on all staff devices and browsers will help you avoid this problem. To minimize harmful websites, you may use extensions, plug-ins that automatically block pop-up adverts, and browser security solutions. This has the potential to reduce the attack surface dramatically.

Disable Script Execution

Sending.zip files with malicious JavaScript code is a frequent ransomware hacking strategy. Another typical method is compressing a.vbs (VBScript) file into a.zip archive.

Disabling Windows Script Host and removing the devices’ ability to run scripts can prevent this issue.

Deploy Advanced Email Security

Even though numerous email security solutions are available on the market, many of them lack the comprehensive security functionality required to avoid virus and ransomware assaults.

Traditional sandboxing technology has grown obsolete and cannot handle the problems provided by skilled hackers who use several layers of assaults and evasion strategies.

Most email security systems need to be more active and able to scale up to meet needed performance requirements, forcing security professionals to choose between delaying all email traffic, scanning less than 100% of emails, and remediating risks only after delivery. This presents a significant danger to the security of their companies.

Deploy a CASB

A cloud access security broker (CASB) may aid in the prevention of ransomware. CASB systems may be deployed on-premises or in the cloud. Once installed, the CASB works as a bridge between cloud data and users. It may aid in the security of data transfers between clouds and on-premises data centers, monitoring cloud activities, ensuring compliance, and enforcing security standards.


The prospect of ransomware remains a big issue as the digital world evolves. Adopting the various preventative actions mentioned in this article is critical for fortifying your defenses. A comprehensive strategy is essential, from raising employee knowledge to installing modern security solutions. Individuals and businesses may dramatically reduce their chance of falling victim to ransomware attacks by using these 15 protective steps. Everyone must be aware, proactive, and resilient in the face of emerging cyber dangers, guaranteeing a safer digital environment for everyone.