How Ripple Is Moving Beyond Cross-Border Transfers

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( — April 11, 2024) — XRP is one of the biggest cryptos in the industry but it is impossible to deny that its image in the industry is a bit pigeon-holed. If you asked the average crypto user, they would say that XRP is a token created primarily for cross-border transactions. 

There is a good reason for this as XRP has been known for its fast and cheap cross-border transactions. Ripple Labs, XRP’s parent company, has also partnered with several firms to facilitate cross-border transactions like Western Union. With all these, it’s easy to see why it has been pegged as a cross-border transfer token. 

But as the crypto industry is going into a new period of growth following Bitcoin’s latest bull run, XRP could see more emphasis on its other use cases. This also comes at a convenient time as Ripple Labs is still on a high following its court victory over the SEC. While this is not exhaustive, here are some of the other ways that XRP can be used:

  • Gambling 

Cryptocurrency has seen a very unique use case in the gambling space over the last few years. By using cryptocurrency instead of fiat currency, consumers stand the chance to win tokens that increase in value. They also enjoy more control over their funds thanks to the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency and can enjoy more privacy. 

For Ripple, this represents a very unique opportunity. One of the pain points that gambling consumers often face is having to wait long periods for their deposits and withdrawals to be processed. But with Ripple being able to complete transfers cheaply and quickly, it has appropriate use on gambling sites. 

As the use of crypto for gambling keeps increasing, we can expect the use of Ripple for this purpose to increase as well. 

  • Domestic Purchases 

Cryptos are more than just assets to be traded speculatively; they can be used to make everyday purchases. Ever since they came on the scene, there has been a growing list of merchants who accept various cryptos for all sorts of goods and services. This includes not only tokens like Bitcoin and Ether but extends to XRP as well.

As of this article, merchants like Hublot, O’Gara Coach,, Namecheap, and several others accept XRP as payment from users. As this list keeps growing, there will be more avenues for consumers to spend their tokens and most likely, more of them will take advantage of this.

  • Paying Bills 

Many crypto holders have expressed a desire to pay their expenses like electric bills and water rates using cryptocurrency and there are now many options in the market that allow them to do so. From BitPay to Bitrefill, these platforms allow users to deposit their funds in crypto and pay fiat bills using them.

These applications typically allow a range of cryptos for this purpose, including XRP. Given that it is one of the top tokens in the world, the options available for paying bills with XRP only continue to grow and add to its list of use cases around the world. 

  • Investments

One of the reasons why XRP is such a hyped token is that it has proven to be a solid investment vehicle for crypto lovers. The native token of the Ripple Labs ecosystem is currently trading at $0.62 per unit and boasts an all-time high of $3.84. The price of XRP has seen several spikes, including when its parent company won in court against the SEC.

The token remains in the top ten cryptos by market cap and from all indications, will continue to be used by crypto lovers trying to make a profit.

Why This is Needed

XRP has already made a name for itself in the cross-border space but there are several benefits to be had from more emphasis being placed on its other use cases:

  • Diversification

Cross-border transactions might be XRP’s bread and butter at the moment but a diversity of use cases will only help it in the long run. Crypto popularity can prove to be fickle and even major tokens like Ether are backed up by a blockchain with many use cases behind it.

Having many possible applications ensures that even if XRP’s use for cross-border transactions diminishes, it will continue to see use both as a token and as an underlying blockchain. This, in turn, ensures that Ripple Labs can remain profitable well into the future. 

  • Price Benefits

Cryptos see price increases when there is a demand for them and this demand is tied to their use cases. After all, if a lot of people want to use XRP for investment purposes, to pay their bills, or to buy small things like meals, there will be a greater demand for it, which drives up the price. 

The token already sees a lot of demand stemming from its use for cross-border transactions but expanding on these use cases will help it in the long run become more valuable in terms of market price. 

  • Precedent 

One of the longest-running debates within the crypto sector has been whether or not cryptos are securities. This has led to several lawsuits from regulators and has divided the community. 

It also highlights a major benefit of XRP and other tokens having a range of use cases. Using it to pay for goods and utilities, for example, shows that it is a medium of exchange as well as an investment vehicle. This provides evidence and precedent for XRP’s and other cryptos’ diversity of use.


XRP has already risen to the top of the crypto industry by making cross-border transactions much simpler. Now, there is the need to highlight the other things that XRP can be used for like paying bills and gambling. 

These not only give XRP users a richer and more robust experience with the token but can help make sure that it survives long-term in the market. This will benefit everyone in the Ripple Labs ecosystem, from the creators to the end users.