Blending Passions & Purpose: A Brock Higley Interview on Media, Sports & Making an Impact

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( — May 17, 2024) — Brock Higley, born on August 19, 1997, in Bedford, New Hampshire, has carved a niche for himself as a dynamic individual bridging the worlds of media, sports, and community service. Son of Donald Higley, a small business owner, and Amy Higley, a former dance instructor and studio owner, Brock grew up in an environment that emphasized personal achievement and civic engagement. His brother, Bohdan, continues the family’s athletic legacy, playing tennis at a college in Georgia.

From an early age, Brock’s interests spanned the arts and athletics, actively participating in tennis, music, and theater. This multi-talented approach led him to Emerson College in Boston, where he pursued Broadcast Journalism. His college years were marked by stellar academic achievements, making the Dean’s List consistently, and a deep commitment to the community through charity work and leadership roles, notably as the tennis team captain.

Post-college, Brock relocated to Peoria, Arizona, where he significantly boosted the media presence of the Phoenix area as a Multimedia Communications Coordinator. He also coaches local high school tennis, imparting skills and sportsmanship to young athletes. Beyond his professional endeavors, Brock remains passionate about music, particularly piano, and continues to engage in community service, upholding a life dedicated to his diverse interests and the betterment of his community.

What drove you to pursue a career in broadcast journalism and multimedia communications?

Ever since I was young, I’ve had a deep fascination with storytelling and its impact on people. Growing up in Bedford, New Hampshire, I was always the kid with a notebook or a camera, eager to capture the world around me. My decision to study Broadcast Journalism at Emerson College stemmed from this passion. I wanted to learn how to craft stories that not only inform but also engage and inspire. Throughout my education and early career, whether reporting for a local station or coordinating media for a school district, my goal has been to use media as a tool to bridge gaps and bring light to lesser-known stories.

How has your background in tennis influenced your professional life?

Tennis has been a crucial part of my life since I was very young, teaching me discipline, teamwork, and leadership—skills that are invaluable in any career. As a team captain in college, I learned how to motivate others and work collaboratively toward common goals, which translated seamlessly into my professional roles, especially in high-pressure environments like live broadcasting. Coaching tennis has also helped me develop patience and an ability to teach and inspire others, which are important in my communications roles. 

What challenges have you faced as a first-generation college student, and how have you overcome them?

Being the first in my family to attend college brought a mix of pride and pressure. There was a steep learning curve, from navigating financial aid to understanding academic expectations. I often felt like I was treading uncharted waters without a guide. However, I sought out mentors early on, connected with the First Generation club at Emerson, and learned to use every setback as a stepping stone. These experiences taught me resilience and gave me a unique perspective that I carry into my professional life, always ready to lend a hand to those who might be struggling with similar challenges. 

How do you incorporate community service into your professional endeavors?

Community service is a cornerstone of both my personal and professional life. In every role I’ve held, from a journalist to a communications coordinator, I’ve looked for ways to make a positive impact on the community. For instance, at Emerson, I participated in charity events and used my media skills to promote causes such as breast cancer awareness. In Peoria, coaching tennis isn’t just about the sport—it’s about mentoring young people and fostering a sense of community. I believe that when you have the skills to help others, it’s your responsibility to do so.

What advice would you give to young people who are looking to follow a similar path as yours? 

My biggest piece of advice is to stay curious and be proactive about your passions. Whether it’s media, sports, or any other field, immerse yourself deeply and don’t be afraid to take on challenges. Networking is crucial—connect with professionals, find mentors, and never stop learning from those around you. And most importantly, remember to give back. Use your talents and platform to make a difference in your community. 

Success isn’t just about achieving personal goals—it’s about lifting others as you climb.