The Ultimate Guide to Darts Betting for Beginners

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( — May 29, 2024) — Darts betting has gained significant popularity, offering an exciting way to engage with the sport and potentially earn some profits. For beginners, understanding the basics of the game, the types of bets available, and how to make informed decisions is crucial. This guide will provide a comprehensive introduction to darts betting, explaining key terms, and bet types, and offering tips on how to start betting responsibly.

Understanding the Basics of Darts

The Game

Darts is a precision sport where players throw small, pointed missiles (darts) at a circular target (dartboard). The standard dartboard is divided into 20 numbered sections, with scores ranging from 1 to 20 points. The outer ring scores double the points, and the middle ring scores triple. The bullseye at the center consists of an outer ring worth 25 points and an inner circle worth 50 points.

Basic Rules

  • 501 Game: The most common format, where players start with a score of 501 and aim to reduce it to zero. The game must end with a double (the outer ring) or the bullseye.
  • Legs and Sets: Matches are divided into legs (individual games) and sets (groups of legs). The player who wins the most sets wins the match.
  • Throwing Order: Players take turns to throw three darts per visit, with the throwing order alternating each turn.

Key Terms in Darts Betting

  • Double: The outer ring of the dartboard, where points are doubled.
  • Treble: The inner ring of the dartboard, where points are tripled.
  • Checkout: The throw that reduces a player’s score to zero, ending the leg.
  • Maximum: A score of 180, achieved by hitting three treble 20s.

Types of Bets in Darts

Match Winner

The simplest and most common type of bet is predicting the winner of a match. It involves betting on which player will win the entire match.

Total Legs

This bet involves predicting the total number of legs in a match. Bettors can wager on whether the number of legs will be over or under a specified number set by the bookmaker.

Highest Checkout

Bettors can wager on which player will achieve the highest checkout (the score from a single visit to the board that reduces their score to zero) in a match or tournament.


This bet involves predicting the number of maximum scores (180s) a player will achieve in a match. Bettors can also wager on the total number of 180s in a match.

Handicap Betting

Handicap betting gives one player a virtual advantage or disadvantage to level the playing field. For example, if Player A is favored to win, they might have a -1.5 leg handicap, meaning they need to win by at least two legs for the bet to be successful.

Getting Started with Darts Betting

Research Players

Before placing a bet, research the players involved. Consider their recent form, head-to-head records, and performance in specific tournaments. Look for players with consistently high averages, good checkout percentages, and a track record of performing well under pressure.

Understand the Betting Markets

Familiarize yourself with the various betting markets available. While betting on the match winner is straightforward, exploring other markets like total legs, highest checkout, and 180s can offer more opportunities and better odds.

Start Small

For beginners, it’s wise to start with small bets to understand the dynamics of darts betting. This approach allows you to learn without risking significant amounts of money.

Manage Your Budget

Effective bankroll management is crucial in betting. Set a budget for how much you are willing to spend on betting and stick to it. Avoid chasing losses by betting more than you can afford.

Look for Value Bets

Value betting involves finding bets where the odds offered by the bookmaker are higher than the actual probability of the event occurring. This requires research and analysis but can lead to more profitable betting.

Bet Responsibly

Always bet responsibly and avoid letting emotions influence your betting decisions. Set limits on your betting activities and take breaks if needed. Remember, betting should be an enjoyable activity, not a way to make a quick profit.

Making Informed Bets

To bet on darts effectively, it’s essential to consider multiple factors. Analyze player statistics, recent performances, and head-to-head records. For example, a player with a strong record in a particular tournament or against a specific opponent may be a better bet. Additionally, consider the format of the match and the venue, as these can impact player performance.


Darts betting can be an enjoyable and potentially profitable way to engage with the sport. By understanding the basics of the game, familiarizing yourself with key terms and bet types, and conducting thorough research, you can make informed betting decisions. Remember to start small, manage your budget effectively, and always bet responsibly. With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to becoming a successful darts bettor.