The Science Behind Natural Degreasers: How They Work

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( — June 7, 2024) — If you’ve ever been tasked with cleaning a commercial kitchen, maintaining industrial equipment, or ensuring the longevity of recreational assets, you know that grease and grime are formidable foes. Industrial settings require powerful solutions to tackle these challenges effectively. Enter natural degreasers—your eco-friendly allies in the battle against tough grease.

What is a Degreaser?

In the simplest terms, a degreaser is a cleaning agent specifically designed to break down and remove grease, oil, and other stubborn residues. Industrial grease is particularly challenging due to its composition and the sheer volume encountered in large-scale operations. Unlike household grease, industrial grease often includes heavy lubricants and residues from machinery and processes, requiring more robust solutions.

Why Opt for Natural Degreasers in Industrial Settings?

The industrial sector is increasingly shifting towards sustainability and environmental responsibility. Using a natural degreaser aligns with these goals by providing powerful cleaning capabilities without the environmental and health hazards associated with traditional chemical degreasers. Here’s why natural degreasers are gaining traction:

  1. Health and Safety – Natural degreasers reduce the risk of respiratory issues, skin irritations, and other health problems caused by exposure to harsh chemicals.
  2. Environmental Impact – They are biodegradable and free from pollutants that can harm ecosystems.
  3. Effectiveness – Advanced formulations ensure that natural degreasers are just as effective, if not more so, than their chemical counterparts in industrial applications.

The Science Behind Natural Degreasers

So, how do these natural powerhouses work? Let’s delve into the chemistry that makes natural degreasers effective in industrial settings.

Plant-Based Oils and Extracts

Many natural degreasers leverage the power of plant-based oils and extracts, like citrus oils, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil. These oils contain compounds called terpenes, which are excellent solvents. For instance, d-limonene, found in citrus oils, is particularly effective at breaking down grease. It works by penetrating the grease molecules and loosening their bonds, making them easier to wipe away.

Natural Surfactants

Surfactants are the unsung heroes of cleaning, making liquids spread out and soak into surfaces better. In natural degreasers, these surfactants often come from everyday sources like coconut oil, corn, or sugarcane. They break down grease into smaller, manageable droplets through a process called emulsification. This is particularly important in industrial settings where grease is not just stubborn but plentiful. By emulsifying the grease, these natural surfactants make it much easier to wash away, ensuring that even the toughest grime is dealt with efficiently.

Alkaline Ingredients

Another key player in natural degreasers is alkaline ingredients like sodium carbonate (washing soda) and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). These substances break down grease through a process called saponification. In simple terms, they turn fats into soap and glycerin, which are water-soluble and can be easily rinsed away. This is especially useful in industrial environments where large amounts of grease need to be tackled. By converting the grease into something that can be washed off with water, these alkaline ingredients make the cleaning process faster and more effective.

Applications in Industrial Settings

Natural degreasers are versatile and can be applied in various industrial contexts. Here’s how they work their magic:

Heavy Machinery Maintenance

  1. Application – Spray or apply the degreaser directly onto greasy parts of machinery.
  2. Penetration – Allow the product to sit for a few minutes. The natural oils and surfactants start breaking down the grease.
  3. Agitation – Use brushes or cloths to scrub the surface, lifting away the loosened grease.
  4. Rinsing – Rinse with water or wipe clean to remove any remaining residue.

Commercial Kitchens

  1. Surface Cleaning – Apply the natural degreaser to countertops, hoods, and cooking surfaces.
  2. Soaking – For heavily greased equipment, soak parts in the degreaser solution.
  3. Scrubbing – Use scrubbing pads or brushes to remove tough grease deposits.
  4. Rinsing and Sanitising – Rinse thoroughly and follow up with a sanitizer for food safety compliance.

Fleet and Vehicle Maintenance

  1. Engine Cleaning – Apply the degreaser to engine parts and allow it to penetrate the grease.
  2. Pressure Washing – Use a pressure washer to rinse away the degreaser and loosen grease.
  3. Detailing – For detailed cleaning, use brushes and cloths to ensure all grease is removed.

Benefits of Using Natural Degreasers in Industrial Settings

Switching to natural degreasers in industrial settings offers multiple benefits:

Enhanced Worker Safety

By eliminating harsh chemicals, natural degreasers create a safer working environment. Workers are less likely to suffer from respiratory problems, skin burns, or other health issues associated with toxic substances.

Environmental Responsibility

Natural degreasers are biodegradable and free from harmful chemicals that can contaminate water supplies and soil. This reduces the environmental footprint of industrial operations and aligns with sustainability goals.

Superior Cleaning Performance

Modern natural degreasers are formulated to tackle industrial-grade grease and grime effectively. Ingredients like d-limonene and natural surfactants ensure that these products can handle the toughest cleaning tasks.


Natural degreasers are revolutionizing the way we approach industrial cleaning. Embracing natural degreasers in industrial settings not only enhances cleaning efficiency but also contributes to a healthier workforce and a more sustainable planet.