There is always a way to dig yourself out of a job rut

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By Barbara Brown

( — June 16, 2024) — Have you ever sat in your cubicle and stared aimlessly at your desktop wondering, “what am I doing here?” Well, have no fear – you are not alone.

75% of currently employed individuals find themselves feeling incredibly stuck, both professionally and personally. A majority of the employed population spend 40 days a week working; seeing their colleagues and computer screens more than their friends and family. Thus, dissatisfaction in the workplace can have tremendous effects on our personal lives.

Feeling stuck at a job is nothing new to individuals in the work field. As interests and career goals shift, a job that once seemed perfect can slowly begin feeling like a cage holding you back from greatness.

Indeed – a major career guide in today’s employment force – notes a few reasons why an individual might feel stuck in their current position. As graduation season nears its end, eager college graduates will transition into the workforce and experience their first real job. While the excitement is undeniable, the potential risks of a new job still stand true. Many corporations will exploit this doe eyed enthusiasm and lock these graduates into positions they don’t necessarily comprehend fully.

Graduates might find themselves dissatisfied only a few months into the job because the position description was not properly explained to them. This can filter in a variety of other issues such as: the lack of utilization of knowledge and skills, a curve in desired career trajectory, stunting of professional development, and much more. All of these factors create a suffocating feeling of no escape for employees.

Another reason a position might feel unpleasant is due to the repetitive nature of the job. While yes, some positions are constructed to have more administrative tasks and less creative control, an employee should not feel stuck in the repetition of the work.

There are a plethora of reasons why an individual might feel stuck professionally or in their job.

So, what does one do when they feel stuck at a job?

Not all of us have the luxury of just quitting our jobs and moving to a remote island to live off the rest of our days. Most of us seek a more realistic and attainable way to alleviate this affliction. The good news is: there are solutions.

Before an individual can consider the best option for them, they must take a step back and reevaluate their career goals and begin defining what it is they want in their work life. Sometimes a switch in position is not necessarily the best solution.

An individual must be clear on their values and goals before they can properly assess the best course of action for themselves.

After such reflection is taken into account, an employee might decide that leaving their current position is the most appropriate course of action. It is plenty reasonable for an employee to recognize that their professional growth has hit its maximum capacity and their departure from either the position or the company is necessary.

However, assessing all of these life changing factors is not particularly easy. There may be a point where additional assistance is preferred. Professional coaching is a revolutionary tool that is becoming increasingly accessible to employees anywhere on the organizational structure.

A.J. Mizes, CEO & Founder of The Human Reach, implores employed individuals to dispel the stigmatization surrounding professional coaching in an effort to acknowledge the potential benefits.

“One of the biggest myths I continuously have to bust is that coaching is only for those struggling, but it’s actually a powerful tool for any professional who is looking to advance their career.” says Mizes.

Professional coaching is an opportunity for employed individuals to appraise their careers and their intended trajectory with the grave assistance of coaches who truly understand the current work climate.

Optimizing your personal values and ethos to reflect the work you are executing is an integral part of working in today’s economy.

Regardless of the decision an individual makes regarding their current position, it is imperative for each and every worker to prioritize their personal and professional growth, no matter where they end up.