A Comprehensive Guide to Different SharePoint On-Premise Versions

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By Barbara Brown

(Newswire.net — June 19, 2024) — So, you’re curious about SharePoint on-premise versions, huh? Whether you’re a seasoned IT professional or just someone looking to dive into the world of SharePoint, this guide is for you. We’re going to break down the different SharePoint on premise versions, explore their unique features, and help you understand why you might choose one over the other. Let’s get started, shall we?

What is SharePoint?

Before we dive into the versions, let’s quickly cover what SharePoint actually is. SharePoint is a web-based platform developed by Microsoft. It’s used for storing, organizing, sharing, and accessing information from any device. It’s highly configurable and can be used to create websites, manage documents, and facilitate collaboration within an organization.

The Evolution of SharePoint On-Premise

SharePoint 2001 and 2003

Ah, the early 2000s – a simpler time. SharePoint first emerged in 2001 and was followed by SharePoint in 2003. These initial versions laid the groundwork for what would become a powerful tool for business collaboration. They were pretty basic by today’s standards, but they introduced the concept of document libraries and basic team collaboration.

SharePoint 2007

SharePoint 2007 was a game-changer. It introduced a more robust interface and better integration with Microsoft Office. This version was all about improving collaboration and providing a more intuitive user experience. It included new features like blogs, wikis, and enhanced document management capabilities.

SharePoint 2010

Now, we’re getting into the big leagues. SharePoint 2010 brought with it significant improvements in social networking, business intelligence, and search capabilities. This version introduced the SharePoint Ribbon, making navigation much easier. It also brought in enhanced workflows and sandbox solutions, giving organizations more control over their environment.

SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 continued to build on the strengths of its predecessors. This version focused heavily on improving user experience and expanding social features. It introduced the Newsfeed, Community Sites, and SkyDrive Pro (later rebranded as OneDrive for Business). Search capabilities were also greatly enhanced, making it easier to find content across the platform.

SharePoint 2016

SharePoint 2016 was all about hybrid capabilities. It aimed to bridge the gap between on-premise and cloud environments. This version introduced new features like Durable Links, Data Loss Prevention, and expanded hybrid search capabilities. It also improved performance and scalability, making it a robust choice for large organizations.

SharePoint 2019

The latest in our lineup, SharePoint 2019, brings a more modern user experience and even better integration with Office 365. It’s designed to support both on-premise and hybrid environments, providing organizations with the flexibility to choose the deployment model that works best for them. New features include modern team sites, communication sites, and improved support for mobile devices.

Key Features Across Different Versions

Document Management

Every version of SharePoint has built upon the document management capabilities of the previous one. Starting from basic document libraries in SharePoint 2001 to the advanced document sets and metadata navigation in SharePoint 2019, managing documents has never been easier.

Collaboration Tools

SharePoint has always been about collaboration. From simple team sites in the early versions to advanced communication sites and integrated social features in the later versions, SharePoint has continually evolved to make teamwork more efficient and enjoyable.

Search Capabilities

Search functionality has come a long way since SharePoint 2001. Each version has improved the search experience, making it easier to find the information you need. SharePoint 2013 introduced continuous crawl for near real-time indexing, while SharePoint 2016 and 2019 expanded on hybrid search capabilities, allowing you to search across both on-premise and cloud environments.

User Experience

The user experience in SharePoint has drastically improved over the years. The introduction of the Ribbon in SharePoint 2010 made navigation more intuitive. SharePoint 2013 brought a more modern and social interface, while SharePoint 2019 has continued to enhance the user experience with responsive design and mobile optimization.

Why Choose SharePoint On-Premise?

Control and Customization

One of the biggest reasons organizations choose SharePoint on-premise is the level of control it offers. You have full control over your environment, including customization options that might not be available in the cloud. This means you can tailor SharePoint to meet the specific needs of your organization.

Compliance and Security

For organizations with strict compliance and security requirements, an on-premise deployment can provide greater peace of mind. You have control over the security settings, data storage, and access controls, ensuring that your data remains safe and compliant with industry regulations.

Integration with Existing Systems

SharePoint on-premise can be more easily integrated with other on-premise systems and applications. This can be particularly important for organizations with complex IT environments or legacy systems that need to be maintained.

The Future of SharePoint On-Premise

While the trend is certainly moving towards cloud-based solutions, SharePoint on-premise is far from obsolete. Microsoft continues to support and invest in on-premise versions, providing updates and new features. The future likely holds a continued emphasis on hybrid solutions, giving organizations the best of both worlds – the control and customization of on-premise with the scalability and flexibility of the cloud.

Making the Decision: Which Version is Right for You?

Evaluate Your Needs

The first step in deciding which version of SharePoint on-premise is right for you is to evaluate your organization’s needs. Consider factors like the size of your organization, your collaboration and document management requirements, and your IT infrastructure.

Consider Your Budget

Different versions of SharePoint come with different costs. While newer versions offer more features and better performance, they also come with higher price tags. Be sure to consider your budget when making your decision.

Think About the Future

It’s also important to think about the future. Where is your organization headed? Are you planning to move to the cloud eventually? If so, a version with strong hybrid capabilities, like SharePoint 2016 or 2019, might be the best choice.


Choosing the right version of SharePoint on-premise can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By understanding the evolution of SharePoint and the unique features of each version, you can make an informed decision that best meets the needs of your organization. Whether you’re looking for robust document management, enhanced collaboration tools, or advanced search capabilities, there’s a SharePoint version that’s right for you.