How to Find the Best Wood Type for Your Home Furniture

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( — April 13, 2017) — Furniture adds glamour to every home. They are the monuments that provide the cynosure of warmth and welcoming ambience. When they fit the perfect corner, their style and glitz are very pleasing.

Over time, great furniture becomes aura in the living room. Their fragrance brings a sensation that could turn you on. They eventually become a member of the family. Regular visitors could almost ask about them when they aren’t in their usual position.

Everyone wants that special furniture that will provide long lasting value and stay relevant at all time. But you must carefully envision the kind of furniture you want before purchasing them.

In this article, you’ll learn how to find the best wood type for your home furniture.

Visualise your pre-constructed furniture

Design an imagined viewpoint for your furniture. Although not created yet, you can picture the outcome in your mind or on a design board. This will help with your choice of wood that will, at the end, result in a charming piece.

Any type of wood could be used to produce home furniture. But your projected view into the pre-constructed furniture will indulge the beauty and flexibility of your furniture.

Visit lumberyards

Whether it’s a boat yard, salvage yard or retired barn, visiting a lumberyard with very good eyes could help you choose low cost and special woods that serve your purpose. Without stressing too much, visiting a tool crib could help you locate woods like teak. Teak is an inimitable, plain and simple wood that is durable, elegant and resistant to intrinsic weather condition.   

Know wood properties

The structure of wood cells determines the grain or fineness.  This varies with different species of woods. Trees will small cells have a smoother texture and vice versa. The hardness and softness of wood can also be deceiving.

Hardwoods are flowering trees while softwoods are conifers. They are actually stronger and scarcer than softwood which makes them more valuable. Also, some woods produce a glistening effect within their grains because they possess high cultured colours and distinctive patterns. This amounts to value too.

Know your wood source

Knowing the source of your wood is always very helpful. It’s a logical way to infer some of the properties of the wood. Should a wood source be from a lumber mill, then you should know that wood type will be limited in supply because it’s locally processed. Other things to consider are the age of the wood and how heavy it is. 

Know the wood combinations

Sometimes, it gets difficult to actualize the number of wood logs for preferred furniture. In situations like this, most furniture makers settle for different wood combinations. They use the rare and valuable piece for conspicuous parts and common ones for less conspicuous areas like mattress layers for beds.    

Getting the best wood type for your home furniture may be a difficult adventure, but constant practice eases the task. With experience, you’ll be able to tell a wood type by its scent or by the fineness of its texture.