Measures Online Casinos are Implementing to Tackle Problem Gambling

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( — May 16, 2017) —  Online gambling is a booming industry, and one that provides fun and excitement in the lives of millions of players worldwide. For the vast majority, it’s a bit of escapism, as well as a chance to win some money, with life-changing jackpots lurking around the corner. But for some players, unfortunately, excessive gambling can lead to impulsive behaviour, and ultimately start a slippery slope to self-destruction and further adverse life choices.

Gambling must be enjoyed responsibly, and as any veteran will tell you, tilting is very real and risky behaviour that can often compound losses and lead to further personal problems in those affected by it. But for some players, it’s clearly less about controlling their behaviour, and more about reducing their gambling behaviour altogether, to avoid the temptations towards these destructive actions.

Online casinos are, for the most part, legitimate, law abiding businesses. There are exceptions of course, but big name online casino brands like partycasino are beyond reproach, in terms of the professionalism and transparency of their offering. Indeed, casinos are even going further in their approach to this issue, going out of their way to offer enhanced protection to that small minority of customers who develop problems with their gambling.

There are a number of tools available to online casinos in addressing this problem, and a number of steps legitimate casinos already take to help those who might find themselves at risk from these problems.

Why Casinos Tackle Problem Gaming

At first glance, it would be easy to assume that casinos have no interest in problem gaming. Like the pub selling pints to problem drinkers, isn’t it in the casinos interests to keep as many problem gamblers on their books as possible? In reality, the casino industry has been commendably proactive in tackling the problems faced by at-risk groups and individuals, and in the process has set new benchmarks for corporate responsibility.

For casinos, this isn’t about money – it’s about being good corporate citizens in the short term, while protecting those individuals who might be vulnerable to the problems excessive gambling can cause. Long-term, it’s also in their business interests to focus on the vast majority of customers who gamble problem-free, while ensuring that as few people as possible are affected by gambling problems. With those who do exhibit signs of compulsive gambling behaviour, it’s a case of trying to reduce the harm done to themselves and their families.

They achieve these objectives in a number of different ways. Casinos and industry bodies alike are constantly working to develop new tools and innovations, designed to contain problem gaming without being too restrictive on non-problem gamblers.

Responsible Gaming

The first line of attack for the industry lies in responsible gaming promotions, campaigns and advertising. Online casinos are leading the fight against problem gambling by encouraging responsible play, and in most cases, adverts carry explicit guidance and reminders for players that hit home on this message. Most reputable online casino sites work closely with support groups and facilities for treating gambling issues, while many help fund and support groups working in this space.

The responsible gaming drive is becoming an increasingly pressing concern for the industry, with some of the more notable brands going the extra mile to reinforce the message. The net result is that players feel more aware of the need for responsible gambling, and no doubt helps in a number of fringe cases to dissuade those who might otherwise fall into compulsive or uncontrolled gambling practices.

Identifying Abusive Betting Patterns

Online casinos are also becoming more adept at spotting abusive betting patterns, or instances where individual players might be exhibiting uncontrolled gambling behaviour. While it isn’t always easy to strike the right balance between player freedom and damage limitation for problem gamblers, the big casino brands are continuing to go to some lengths to ensure situations don’t spiral too out of hand for vulnerable players.

This is likely to become an even bigger area for the industry in future, as new technologies make it easier than ever before for casinos to flag up potentially abusive gambling. In conjunction with self-exclusion, these techniques could be a bigger part of the future of ensuring responsible gambling in the years to come.

Self Exclusion

A major innovation to develop in recent times is self-exclusion, and online casinos are increasingly making this available to people who themselves realise they are at-risk or vulnerable to gambling problems. Players now often have the option to identify themselves as problem gamblers, and to exclude themselves from future play at an online casino or any other casino within the same group.

Casinos honour these exclusions, and will prevent players from opening new accounts, or from getting themselves into difficulty in future. This provides a line of last defence for those who might otherwise go on to exhibit compulsive or damaging gambling behaviours. While voluntary on the part of players, casinos will honour these exclusions rigorously – that doesn’talways make them popular with players who change their minds, but it does uphold the credibility and legitimacy the industry has built up through taking a reasoned approach to tackling this minority problem.

Like many things in life, there is an element of gambling that can become addictive for a small minority of players. By adopting practical, targeted measures to reduce the harm to those individuals, casinos and online betting operators are leading the way in encouraging responsible gambling behaviours and reducing the risks facing vulnerable individuals who lose control of their gambling.