Alcohol Abuse – Warning Signs and Treatment Options

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( — February 27, 2018) — Alcoholism or alcohol abuse is a clinical condition that falls under the category of mental health disorders. Despite the fact that this condition manifests itself differently for each individual, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 has narrowed down 11 factors that define this mental disorder. Depending on how many symptoms a patient shows, their condition can range from mild, to moderate and severe alcohol abuse. Nonetheless, alcoholism is a treatable condition, but it is important to address it as soon as possible. So, if you find yourself or someone you know exhibiting some of the symptoms presented below, make sure to seek professional help as soon as possible.


Some of the symptoms presented below can be observed by third parties, while others can only be known by the patient themselves.

  1. Drinking more than originally intended
  2. The intent to quit drinking, without being able to do so
  3. Spending a lot of time drinking/constantly dealing with the after effects of alcohol intoxication
  4. Experiencing a strong desire to drink alcohol, that overcomes all other thoughts and desires
  5. Having work/personal life affected by drinking
  6. Continuing to drink despite the work/personal consequences
  7. Cutting back on other enjoyable activities in order to drink
  8. Frequently engaging in dangerous activities while intoxicated (driving, swimming, operating heavy machineries, getting into fights)
  9. Continuing to drink despite obvious health consequences
  10. Requiring more alcohol than it was once necessary to get the desired intoxication results
  11. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms (insomnia, shakiness, nausea, sweating, seizures) when the effects of the alcohol were wearing off

Treatment options

A proper diagnostic is essential in order to increase the chances of recovery for an alcoholic. Two or three of the symptoms presented above indicate a mild disorder, four to five symptoms indicate a moderate disorder, while anything over six symptoms indicates a chronic disorder. It is also important to understand the difference between a psychical addiction and a psychological one. In case of a psychical addiction, it is recommended for patients to join a recovery clinic. A good clinic should provide both medical treatment as well as psychological treatment. If you are looking for a reputable recovery clinic, we recommend Nexus Recovery Services. They have different programs that are suitable for different stages of alcoholism. They also have a great after care program that helps patients set and reach long term goals and reintegrate the society as healthy individuals once they overcome their addictions.