8 Ways to Generate Sales for Your New Online Store

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(Newswire.net — June 28, 2018) — So, you’ve got your brand new online store up and running, you have your inventory ready to ship, and your product listings are live. Now, your next challenge is to start generating sales. Luckily, there are plenty of things that you can do to get those products flying out the door. Today we will be discussing 8 ways to boost the sales of your new online store.

Do Keyword Research

It is important to do keyword research to find the best search terms that you should target during your marketing efforts. Find one primary keyword and multiple secondary keywords that people may search. This will help search engine crawlers identify and index your pages, making it easier for you to rank better.

Create a Blog

The first long-term strategy for generating sales is creating a blog and posting content on a regular basis. Providing your target market with information that is relevant to the products you sell can identify you as an authority in your niche. It also gives your audience a reason to revisit your website. There is a condition, however. You should ensure that you only post high-quality and compelling articles. Include your targeted keywords, but refrain from stuffing your text with secondary search terms as it may hamper your content’s informational value.

Build links

To really step things up a notch in terms of SEO, gaining traffic from searches, and boosting sales, you should start building links. Links to your blog on high-ranking websites can boost your search ranking like nothing else. You can build links by writing guest blogs and doing blogger outreach.

What is blogger outreach? Well, you have to find blogs within your niche that have a high PageRank and a large following. Contact the author on the blog and ask them if you can write a guest post for his blog. Then, include a link to your blog in the guest article.

Use Social Media

Many businesses use social media as their primary source of traffic. This is not ideal as you may lose a lot of traffic from search engines. Social media is valuable, however, when it comes to customer engagement. Open social media accounts under the same username and start sharing content and your blog articles on these platforms. Try to get people to comment and reply to their comments. If you have a new offer, share or tweet it and try to find out what people think about your products. Add social share buttons on your blog to incentivize visitors to share your blog posts.

Build an Email List

Add welcome mats on your homepage and blog that people can fill in to subscribe to your newsletters. Email marketing is an underrated marketing tool that you definitely should incorporate into your marketing campaigns. It allows you to get close and personal with your audience and get your offers under their attention.

Build a Funnel

There is no better way to introduce someone to your online store than with a sales funnel. Create Facebook ads that send people to your landing page. Here they will have to commit by entering their email address in exchange for free value in the form of a lead magnet. This can be something like a coupon code or a downloadable recipe book. Funnels are perfect for establishing loyal customers that regularly buy from you.

Professional Reviews

Ask a reviewer with a large audience to review your products. Not only is this a form of link building, but it can also incentivize the reviewer’s followers to head over to your store and buy from you.

Install CartHook

Sometimes, shoppers will fill up their shopping carts on their site and then leave without buying. CartHook will email those people to you and ask them to complete their purchases. This can have a significant impact on your sales since many of those people actually do come back to check out.