Try These Tricks to Create Brand Logos That Resonate With Consumers

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( — July 14, 2018) — Company logos have immense importance in marketing because a logo does not only establish a brand but also helps to bring in revenue. After all, business is all about revenue and profits, and you must remain involved in the process of creating a logo for your business. Although it is not your job to create a logo design, you must be a part of the team that is responsible for doing it. You must play an active role in the process of creating a logo and contribute your ideas that help to create an impressive logo. The logo is not only a piece of art but also a prime mover for business because it can dictate which consumers come to your business. The logo has the power to influence consumers and encourage them to engage with your business.

Every element of the logo from images to the text and typography to colours must resonate with the audience. When the logo strikes the right chord with consumers, they are likely to become more loyal to the brand. Designing logos is a challenging task because you have to strike the right balance to make the logo aesthetically appealing and visually impacting and at the same time communicate the brand value to consumers. The logo should instil confidence among consumers about the brand and assure them that they are backing the right horse. In this article, you will find some helpful information about how to go about the task of creating logos that meet the business objectives.

Create a high impacting brand logo

Even with the best knowledge about various designs and logo styles, you might not be able to create the most appropriate logo if you do not know how to blend the various aspects to produce a logo. For preparing a delectable cuisine, it is not just enough to know the recipe, but it is equally important to know how to cook it. While everybody can have access to the recipe, it needs a master cook to create the most delicious dishes. Similarly, for creating high impact logos, you have to acquire the art of mixing various elements of design and style with an eye on business. Like any other creative process, logo designing is quite subjective, and you need to follow some guidelines to ensure that you achieve your goal.

Follow the rule of thumb

  • Try to keep the design simple so that consumers can remember it easily.
  • Make it unique looking so that brand recall becomes easy.
  • The design must have a timeless appeal because the logo must pass the test of time.
  • The logo must match with the psyche of the targeted audience, and it must be versatile.

Simplicity must be the priority

You might be tempted to use special colour schemes comprising of gradients and shadows that can make the design look very exciting. You might insert some special shades and effects to the image so that it becomes highly appealing to the audience. However, the risk is that you might even start overdoing with the design elements. This can turn counterproductive because if you are carried away by the design aspects, it could result in shrouding the underlying message and confuse consumers. Too much fanciful elements in design cause distractions and the logo loses its ability to impact consumers positively.

Focus on the functionality

Since the logo becomes the face of your business, it would appear at all places from the website to social media and from flyers and brochures to visiting cards and letterheads. Keeping in mind the manner of using the logo is important to decide on the design because the logo has to retain its appeal no matter where it appears.  It means that you must design a highly functional logo that evokes the same kind of response whether used on the packaging or in mobile apps. The beauty of the image remains unaffected by the media where it appears. Research your audience to ascertain the media that you would mostly use for communicating with them and design the logo accordingly.

Be ready to give the logo a new look

Your target consumers are always evolving as new generations join the ranks. The taste and expectations of a new generation of consumers are different, and it is not practicable to design logos that remain unchanged for years together. Since logos are meant for communicating with the audience, you must consider the changes in the design to match with the changing preferences of the audience. This would help to keep the logo refreshed and updated with the times.

The changes to the logo need not be drastic, but you can make some subtle changes that add a special dimension to its appeal. Be consistent with the overall design so that the main elements of design remain unchanged and consumers recognize it easily. Just by changing the colour of the most significant design element, you can make the design look trendier.

Give the logo a timeless appeal

It might sound contradictory as to how is it possible to be ready to give a new look to logos and at the same time maintain a timeless appeal. You have to understand that logos are long lasting assets that you cannot frequently change just because the environment goes through rapid changes. You must assess the change and try to gauge how long it is likely to last and how it affects the audience you are targeting, before taking a call to make any change in design. Avoid the lure of staying trendy by making frequent changes because trends have a very short life. Instead, create a design that passes the test of time but remains open to changes if the need arises.

The fundamental truth about logos is that it must be attention-grabbing. Logos should have the ability to make heads turn and generate curiosity so that the audience feels like exploring more. This brings them closer to your business. By using imagery craftily and creating symbols or icons that help to reveal the business, you can connect instantly with the audience.