Las Vegas Seeking for Solar Energy

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( — September 4, 2018) —  Known for lavishness, nightclubs and casinos, no one would have thought Las Vegas could be a paragon for renewable energy. Yet the buzzing nightlife of Sin City is now more reliant on solar energy than most States in the U.S.

From gated communities to casinos, restaurants to clubs, businesses around Las Vegas are ditching conventional power for solar. An estimated 7,000 homes in Nevada are powered by renewable solar power. That number is expected to arise to 10,000 in the next three years as more gated communities adopt renewable energy.

Five years ago, adopting solar power was only an idea in Las Vegas. Things have changed since then and politicians and companies have teamed up to make solar energy a reality.  So, what are the reasons driving Nevada into renewable power?

Cost Savings

Above all, companies are adopting solar panels en masse to save cold hard cash. Nevada’s biggest companies spend up to $10 million dollars a year in energy costs. The Bellagio fountains, for example, cost $5 million annually to maintain. It pushes thousands of gallons of water 460 feet into the air continuously.

The Luxor nightclub beams consist of 39 watt bulbs that illuminate lights that form a pyramid. Cost wise, the 39 bulbs consume 7,000 watts valued at thousands of dollars every month. Add the lights and power used in strip clubs, restaurants and casinos. Nevada becomes an extremely high energy-consuming city.

By adopting solar power, companies in Nevada save up to 25% of their energy bills. A casino that spent $10 million in lights saves $2.5 million. Restaurants whose energy bills costs $1 million save $250,000, money that increases their profit margins.

Supportive Government

In 2006, the Las Vegas city government set a goal of relying on solar power wholly by 2016. It achieved the goal in exactly one decade, setting a strong benchmark for the people of Nevada. Since shifting to renewable energy, the government saves about $5 million a year.

Casino was the first industry to follow Nevada’s lead. Motivated by the high annual savings, all the popular companies found on have solar panels atop their rooftops. In fact, the world’s biggest solar roof is located in Vegas. It’s owned by the Mandalay bay building and consists of 26,000 panels. Estimated to save the company 25% of its energy bill, the mega project also does great service to the environment. Its saving on CO2 production is the equivalent of removing 17,000 vehicles from roads.


One problem that hinders the adoption of renewable power everywhere in the world is the belief they’re expensive. Not anymore as big and small companies alike have all been adopting solar energy. Before Tesla went on a mission to install the world’s biggest solar plant in Nevada, the solar energy topic was limited to a few.

Solar panels have become affordable and Las Vegas is at the forefront of adopting the technology. As companies see fellow startups install solar panels, they want to do the same.  With the government, Tesla and large building installing panels, small businesses are following suit.

In addition to being affordable, solar power companies are making it easier for Las Vegas companies to afford their services. Flexible payment methods, quick installation and maintenance savings means even small companies can afford panels.

Hired Solar Energy

While many companies have been installing solar panels, some are reliant on hired panels. Solar power providers are renting out their panels to companies and charging them lower than the City charges them.

At an average of $2.85 per watt, companies can rent out solar panels and pay for them over a period of time. The current price is also lower than it was in 2005, which is helping more homes and small companies adopt the technology.

Companies hiring panels also have the option to buy the installations at lower prices down the line. Considering it’s cost-effective and affordable over time, many companies are doing it. An upscale of mega-projects geared at powering homes with solar energy is driving the costs even lower.

Growing Support for Clean Energy

The debate to increase green energy around the world has had a huge influence on Las Vegas. From its politicians to conservationist, Nevada is a frontier of conservation. A number of polls in recent months have showed that Nevadans are avid advocates of green energy.

With many people standing behind clean power, solar energy companies have a reason to invest in mega projects.  Jobs related to solar energy are on a surge since in 2012. In 2016, the industry witnessed an increase of 9.5% in the number of available jobs in solar energy.

The Government’s Solar Power Projects

It’s not just Tesla launching mega solar plants in Nevada. The military, the Navy and the Air force all have bases in the desert state. In recent years, most of the federal government’s departments in Las Vegas have been resulting to solar power to increase efficiency.

In part thanks to Nevada witnessing almost 300 solar days, most government departments in the area are investing in solar. That, coupled with the state government adopting solar means that almost everyone else will be influenced to join in.

In essence, every company and business that cares about the environment thinks about solar once they set foot there. There is power in numbers, meaning that as more agencies and companies adopt renewable power in Nevada, green energy’s share in the city will increase.

Currently, only a fifth of the mid-western state consists of renewable energy. Solar energy dependency is even less. But things are changing and Nevada is fast changing into a clean power hub.

Who benefits the most?

Clean energy is good for the environment as it lowers carbon emission. But as it has become evident in Nevada, businesses aren’t adopting solar panels to help the environment. Businesses save a lot of money by using solar panels. Solar power has become affordable.  Small businesses in the nation’s third-largest state are increasingly adopting the technology.

Casinos, Tesla and the military’s bases lead the way. Virtually all the big gambling companies have panels on their rooftops and more businesses are doing the same.