River Fishing Tips and Tricks – From the Pros

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(Newswire.net — May 15, 2019) — There is nothing like kicking back and enjoying a great time fishing. Of course, there are different places that you can go fishing at. If you are used to fishing in a lake, ocean or pond, you will find that river fishing is a whole different ball game. This means you are going to have to learn a few different techniques before heading to the river. Here are some river fishing tips and tricks to help you catch plenty of fish.

River Fishing Tips and Tricks

As you prepare for your upcoming fishing trip, there are some things to be aware of. You’ll want to ensure you bring the right fishing gear for the type of fish you plan to catch, and know what parts of the river are best for fishing.

1. Good Timing is Important

First of all, you need to know the right time to go out river fishing. You need to base your times on the moon as well as the weather. When the moon is full, the waters in a river are at their highest levels, but they are low when the moon is only a small sliver. There is more water for the fish to swim in when the moon happens to be full and the river is higher. Around the full moon is a great time to go fishing, and you’ll probably have better luck during this time.

2. Choose the Right Area

Choosing the right area of to partake in river fishing is important as well. You may want to go to a part where the current breaks against a log, rocks, or piles of grass. This is known as a seam, and there is usually a lot of fish in the area. This will be the best place to catch some fish.

3. Cast and Work Your Bait

If you choose to cast upstream, you should let the bait to flow downstream up to the time you line is filled with slack. After this, you can now reel in and cast out again. It is different to cast down into the current. Reel in slowly as you try to give the bait the look of swimming upstream in the river.

4. Don’t be Afraid to Try New Things

Don’t spend too long at one spot if you’re not having success. Move further up or downstream if this is the case. At some spots, local advice may be to move further downstream, but this isn’t always the case so don’t be afraid to acknowledge but then ignore anyone’s advice gratefully.

5. Look for Changes in Current

It often depends on where you are fishing and what types of fish you are after, but sometimes if you aim for where the currents are changing such as around obstacles like rocks, you can find some good catches there. Pull your line through these areas and see if you can catch more here.

In Conclusion

River fishing can be much more active and fun than kicking back on the shore. The above river fishing tips and tricks aim to help your fishing trip be as successful as possible. If you aren’t catching anything in one area, don’t be afraid to try elsewhere. You can also switch between casting upstream and downstream.