The 4 Most Common Plumbing Problems

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( — June 20, 2019) — Plumbing mishaps almost never come at the right time and nearly always feel unpredictable. However, just like with every other field, they stay neatly within the 80/20 rule: 80% of the time, you will run into the same 20% of issues. Put together by plumbers in Lancaster, Texas, the plumbing problems listed below will affect almost every homeowner at some point. Learn how to handle them here.

1. Clogged Bathroom Pipes

Whether they are affecting your shower drain or your kitchen faucet, clogged drains are generally easy to recognize; slow draining and raising water levels both quickly create yucky buildups and even the occasional overflow.

What to do about them?

Clogged drains in your shower or bathroom sink are most likely caused by hair and soap buildup. In these cases, you have two easy options: either a chemical clog remover (such as Drano) or the more labor-intensive but safer plunger. When choosing between the two, keep the following in mind:

  • Frequent use of chemical methods is bad for your pipes. Don’t use this method more than once a year.
  • Never mix different chemical products.
  • Hair clumps can be surprisingly resilient to chemicals, and they’re also likely to be the main player in shower drains. If anyone in your home is suffering from hair loss or has long, dark tresses, head straight for the plunger.
  • Make sure that the base of the plunger is completely covered by water; otherwise, you won’t be able to create the desired “void” effect. For better results, line the plunger with some petroleum jelly.
  • If the problem reappears in less than a month, then there’s a bigger clog further down. Call a professional.

2. Clogged Kitchen Sink

Unlike with bathroom faucet, kitchen sinks tend to get clogged with fatty or organic deposits. This makes them respond better to chemical cleanses, as long as the garbage disposal has not been compromised.

What to do about it?

This may or may not be something you can fix on your own, depending on the tools available to you:

  • If the clogged sink is attached to your garbage disposal machine, then the first thing you must do is reset the latter. Then, check if the blades are still moving properly. If they’re not, call a plumber! Fixing a garbage disposal by yourself may be dangerous.
  • Mild clogs can be dissolved without the use of chemical clog removers. Try adding baking soda, vinegar, and warm water first.
  • Kitchen sinks rarely fit a full plunger fully. If a chemical clog remover is a no-go, you may need to use a plumber snake.

3. Dripping Faucets

Unnerving, common, and potentially very expensive, the slow waste caused by a dripping faucet can wreak havoc on your next water bill. They may be easy enough to fix on your own, provided you are relatively experienced and have access to a full set of tools.

What to do about them?

This will depend largely on the type of faucet you have. “Compression” faucets (the kind that you twist open) are easier to handle:

  • Start by removing the decorative cap. This will let you take a quick glance inside.
  • If you see any buildup inside, you may just need to take it apart, wash it thoroughly (distilled vinegar works well for this), and put it back together.
  • Otherwise, you will most likely need to replace the seat washers – a small rubber ring that sits underneath all the screws. Measure them before buying a replacement!

More modern ball-type faucets will require a professional, as they break easily.

4. Overflowing Toilets

Most people are not willing to admit how common overflowing toilets are in their home. Most of the time, they’re caused by a simple lack of fiber in the diet. However, if you suspect the cause of the clog is bulkier than normal (which is especially likely in homes with children), then this may be a more complicated operation.

What to do about it?

Other than staying calm, you should:

  • First, close the toilet’s valve. This is usually located near the bottom or the back, and if it hasn’t been used in a while, it may take a show of strength.
  • Open the tank lid and manually close the rubber flapper.
  • As soon as the water levels stop rising, start plunging. The petroleum jelly trick will be useful here.
  • Try adding warm water directly into the bowl to loosen the contents of the pipe below.
  • Keep an ear out for any metallic sounds, as they usually mean that there´s a non-organic object causing the clog. In this case, a plumbing snake (and a plumber) may be necessary.

Plumbing is hard and messy work, so never hesitate to call for aid when needed!