A Revolution in Education = Writing Skills + Internet!

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(Newswire.net — June 21, 2019) — It is quite challenging to talk about the present-day world without mentioning the internet and its effect on society. We now live in a kind of world where many people have their lives saturated with digital technology so much that the word “offline” doesn’t seem to exist to some as they always have the internet on-the-go.

As much as the internet is available to many, its influence remains greater on young individuals. Indeed, it happens that young people are unable to talk about the Internet as a discrete entity. It is okay for anyone to relate young people and online practices to humans and oxygen or water. The internet is now assumed to be part of the basics of modern life.

The Internet has also become an integral element of education in well-developed countries; its influence is also felt in the underdeveloped climes. Free education has never been accessible as it is today. With a good internet connection and the right tips up your sleeves, you can get virtually anything you want from the internet. The world is continually evolving, and it is only right for us to resonate at the same frequency.

The internet has posed itself to be advantageous to many in the educational realm, the students most especially. However, there are as many demerits as there are advantages. For many commentators, the internet is a great educational tool and at the same time has a terrible effect on education generally. These disadvantages are regarded as the unintended consequences or secondary effects of the innovation. With this said, let’s look at the advantages of the internet for students who are looking to improve their writing skills and enhance their education process in general.

Students Now Have Access to Distributed Practice

The internet has opened students to the goodness of distributed learning, which has a more significant advantage over mass learning. The innovation allows students more frequent engagement with the resources than conventional face-to-face education. Students can even sign up for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) or even listen to lectures that come in the form of short speech on internet. Internet-based training helps students to distribute their learning over time. They get to learn at their optimal time and to engage with the material in short and frequent episodes. It becomes easier to master the material in bits, rather than in once- or twice-a-week lecture periods. These short, constant, and distributed episodes of practice are said to lead to better mastery than regular mass learning.

Improves Writing Skills

Beyond learning or taking MOOCs, one of the advantages of internet for students is that it improves their creativity and helps them to acquire better writing skills. With the net, students are open to sharing their works with a broad network of students or other writers.

The web has also provided vital digital tools that include varieties of plagiarism checker, essay checker or drive reduction theory inspired tools which would guide you in the writing process. These free essay checking plag check tools, like those that can be found at https://newyorkessays.com/plagiarism-checker/, helps and motivates them to produce original and high-quality content. Some make use of blogs where they get feedback on their writing from colleagues and other internet users.

Internet-Based Education Opens the Mind

Ever heard of the critical thinking technology? It looks as though the web provides answers to all our questions. Does it? Learning from the internet comes with its own difficulty, and it requires you to critically open your mind to search through, sort and synthesize the ocean of information it gives you. The internet provides students with lots of original materials to help them promote their critical thinking. So, it enables learners to juggle between the irrelevances and useful and credible data while trying to acquire knowledge – one of the numerous advantages of internet for students essay writing aspirations.

The Cyberspace Encourages Collaboration

It has never been this easy to connect with others online than it is now. And what this does is that it fosters collaboration in students. Not everyone has the luxury of one-on-one meetings. Students can create forums or even WhatsApp groups intended for addressing the matters concerning a given project. It then has a resultant effect on how students approach the writing process of their assignments.


The above-mentioned points are some of the advantages of internet for student essays. The internet implicitly works for millions of students who learn online making it easier for them to access education in more convenient, engaging, and useful ways. But there is also the group that is drowning in the revolution. It is pertinent to acknowledge that this is not the case for all.

The most important thing to consider is the high propensity of digital technology to augment existing patterns of educational engagement by helping already involved individuals to do better, but doing little to widen the interest of those who are previously disengaged. Hence, we should use the internet to our advantage.

Students or any individual should not see the web as a quick solution to all the inefficiencies of 20th-century education practices—it would only wreck everyone in the system.