Signs of Infestation by Rats – Be Aware of These

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( — June 26, 2019) — If you’ve come across small dark brown droppings or hear scratching noises, you could potentially have a rat infestation. Rats are most active at night, so chances are you’ll see the signs rather than spot the actual rats. Be sure to act quickly to prevent the potential infestation from spreading any further. Here are some of the signs of infestation by rats.

Signs of Infestation by Rats 

Some of the signs of infestation by rats include rat droppings, rub marks, scratching noises and many more. 

1. Rat Droppings

Rats can produce up to 40 droppings per night so you’ll tend to find their droppings concentrated in specific locations. Brown rat droppings are dark brown in color, typically resembling large grains of rice. The locations of the droppings will show the active areas where you should place traps or bait. New droppings are putty-like and shiny while old droppings are hard and crumbly.

2. Rub Marks

Rats have poor eyesight so they tend to use established routes along walls and skirting boards. The dirt and grease on their bodies will leave dark marks and smudges on surfaces as well as objects they repeatedly brush against. If the rub marks smear, you know they’re fresh.

3. Scratching Noises

Black rats are quite agile. They can climb walls, which is why they’re also known as the roof rat. If you’re dealing with a roof rat infestation, you may hear scratching noises at night. Brown rats can be identified by grinding noises they make with their teeth.

4. Rat Holes

Brown rats like to dig and excavate extensive burrow systems for food storage, shelter and nesting. They build their burrows next to solid structures or objects. Make sure that none of these are found in your bedroom as well, since they may infiltrate the space where you sleep at night. 

5. Rat Nests

Rats nest in burrows but their nests can also be found in attics, in cavity walls, under eaves and in lofts. They’ll shred available materials such as cardboard, loft insulation and other soft materials to make their nests — especially during the winter when it’s colder outside. 

6. Footprints

A common sign to look out for when dealing with a rat infestation is foot and tail marks in dusty, less-used areas such as in garden soil or dirt patches. If you want to establish whether an infestation is active, sprinkle talc or fine flour in the area near the footprints and check for fresh tracks the following day.

Where to Check for Rats Inside a Building

Kitchens and laundry rooms – look behind appliances such as washing machines, cookers, tumble dryers and dishwashers. You also want to check any gaps where cables or pipework enter your property from the outside.

Lofts & attic spaces – look of chewed items, shredded loft insulation and rat droppings in corners and inside items such as cardboard boxes.

Out of sight – be sure to check locations such as suspended ceilings, crawlspaces and even cavity walls as young rats can squeeze into them.

Where to Check for Rats Outside of Your Property

  • Garages

  • Sheds

  • Decking

  • Drains

  • Compost bins

  • Vegetation

In Conclusion3

If you suspect you’re dealing with a rat infestation, it’s crucial that you act quickly to control the level of infestation. Like how you’d want to keep insects away from your home, it’s equally important to make sure that rats stay away as well. If the signs of infestation by rats point to a serious problem, consider calling professional exterminators to help you deal with the problem once and for all. A professional exterminator will inspect your home and help to deal with the infestation in the best way possible. If you want to take a technological approach, you can opt for LED light for pest control among many other innovations.