What is Hybrid Cloud Management Software?

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(Newswire.net — December 2, 2019) — One of the newest innovations in data management and processing, more and more companies all over the world are adopting is Hybrid Cloud Management software. 

Hybrid cloud management software allows you to control your company’s cloud infrastructure needs. It works by integrating public and private services into a single management platform.  

Major companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, IBM, and others provide public clouds. They offer service tiers that you can subscribe to. It’s usually either on a per-use basis or a monthly use payment. Private clouds are designed and customized for the unique needs and infrastructure of a single company or organization. Often your company needs BOTH types of service to navigate between variances in data management services. 

Abiquo understand these challenges and has developed a hybrid cloud system that can help. With one system, Abiquo can help you deliver a solution to manage all your cloud computing resources. They can support you whether they’re private or public.

What Can a Hybrid Cloud Do?

 The key characteristics of a Hybrid Cloud are:

  • One user interface for all infrastructure services. No matter what the technology, location, or feature/function needs

  • Design your application infrastructure once and deploy it to any cloud. Users can interact with many foundations with a single secure, controlled and audited user account

  • The ability to add and remove on-premise infrastructure and public cloud as needed

  • One outbound event stream allows back-office systems integration for all infrastructures and clouds

  • A single record of all virtual assets. Examples include VMs, images, virtual disks, or network configurations.  This ensures that reporting is consistent and complete. 

Why Is This Important? 

By offering a hybrid cloud system that bridges public and private servers, these connected technologies can help you streamline and simplify your complex business needs.

Hybrid Cloud software can help you meet unique hardware specifications. This includes data security protocols, compliance with government or regulatory demands, test new applications, or get more return on investment by consolidating your enterprise needs. 

A hybrid system is also useful in protecting against data disaster recovery. Statistics show 75% of small businesses do not have strategies in place. 

Let Abiquo Be Your Solution

Cloud Management providers like Abiquo can help you automate these services at a lower price tag than pricier customized options. They help you roll out an efficient system to your customers without a lot of planning and spending. 

While many hybrid cloud solutions need you to switch between the different functional environments, a true Hybrid Cloud like Abiquo synthesizes all your business needs.

At Abiquo, they understand that not everyone is an IT expert. Our hybrid platform provides a straightforward method for bridging your customer and administrative business needs. This can be achieved with just the push of a few buttons. It allows businesses’ to utilize applications within public and private clouds. Abiquo solutions avoid the need for the help of confusing technological instructions or expensive IT staff, saving time and money.

The Bottom Line

With Abiquo, they can help you meet your business goals for data control, cost management, and security, without holding back on productivity. With a hybrid cloud management system like Abiquo, your infrastructure is in safe hands. Check out what Abiquo can offer you and your business today. They have a solution to meet almost every business cloud management requirement.