What Chemicals do Exterminators Use for Roaches – FYI

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(Newswire.net — December 18, 2019) — A cockroach infestation can be quite an inconvenience. These nasty creepy crawlies like to hang out in drains and sewers and that’s why they’re well-known disease carriers. In addition to carrying germs and bacteria all over your property, roaches can also be a big problem for allergy sufferers. For instance, they can trigger asthma attacks in individuals that share their homes with these bugs. So, what chemicals do exterminators use for roaches?

What Chemicals do Exterminators Use for Roaches

In this article, we’ll consider some of the chemicals and techniques used by exterminators to get rid of cockroaches and prevent them from multiplying.

Should you find cockroaches on your property like in the kitchen cabinets, it’s important to call an exterminator as soon as possible. An exterminator can tackle the problems effectively and get rid of the roach problem in no time.

Gel Bait

Gel bait can be quite effective at eliminating cockroaches. That’s why they’re often used by exterminators. These gels typically consist of various insecticides commonly packed in a syringe. The syringe can be used to apply small amounts of gel in cracks and crevices where cockroaches like to hide. Once the roaches eat the gel bait, they die shortly afterward.

One of the best things about gel bait is that when it’s used to kill roaches, it can kill several generations. Roaches often feed on one another’s bodies, which allows dead insects to pass the poison to the living. The roach’s droppings also pass on the insecticides, leading to widespread death.

Tent Fumigation

Expert pest control specialists say using tent fumigation to kill roaches is not widely recommended. Cockroaches often wedge themselves into tiny spaces, which means they can avoid fumes that settle only on exposed surfaces. Moreover, their high rate of reproduction means they can multiply in no time. Before you even know it, you’ll have a full-blown infestation. Moreover, pesticides in these sprays can linger in your home long after you’ve completed the fumigation process, exacerbating asthma symptoms and presenting a fire hazard.

Chemicals and Insecticides for Cockroach Control

Boric Acid

This is one of the most common cockroach control chemicals. It’s often applied as dust which is scattered over surfaces around the home. Once the roaches crawl over these surfaces, they become coated in the powder. They will then ingest the acid when preening their antennae and legs. Boric acid is an effective way to deal with a roach infestation as it remains effective for a long while as long as it stays dry.


This is an insecticide that’s highly effective at eradicating cockroaches. It’s often used as a component in Gel bait and your exterminator may also employ it to exterminate roaches. As with boric acid, whenever live roaches come in contact with the dead bodies and feces of poisoned insects, they also become poisoned by indoxacarb. This insecticide is highly effective and can kill up to three generations of cockroaches.

Bottom Line

Keeping bugs away is important. You’re now able to answer the question, what chemicals do exterminators use for roaches. Another chemical used to kill roaches is Hydramethylnon. It’s often used in roach bait and kills roaches by disturbing the energy production and metabolism of the pest. Whatever method the exterminator chooses to use, be sure to employ preventative measures to prevent them from coming back.