The Future of Finance: 5 Finance Careers to Watch in 2020 and Beyond

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( — May 8, 2020) — Back in the day, commerce was simple. It was all about trade and bartering — I give you this item in exchange for another item of equal value.

But in the modern world, commerce is incredibly complex. Various currencies, foreign exchange, loans, credit lines, large-scale mergers and the like make the financial industry a veritable maze that one has to wade through.

One side effect of the state of the finance industry is the proliferation of finance careers. With the right degree under your belt, careers in finance are plentiful and rewarding, both when you consider salary as well as when you consider the positive impact that you can have day-to-day.

If you’re looking for finance jobs, then look no further than this article. Here we’ll present you with five solid jobs for finance majors.

1. Financial Planner

One of the ways the financial world is complex is in the way the average person holds their wealth. Nowadays, people hold their wealth not only in cash and savings accounts, but also in real estate, vehicles, investment portfolios, and the like.

The average Joe needs a financial planner to give them advice on how to best plan their finances so that they can put their money to work for them.

2. Investment Banker

The high-octane environment of investment banking is attractive to many a new finance grad. In the investment banking arena, analysts, associates, and directors oversee large-scale mergers, acquisitions, and business restructurings.

As more and more conglomerates join together to form massive multinationals, the investment banking industry has to keep up. As a result, it continues to hire like crazy.

Investment banking is also a great stepping stone to other positions. Prabir Purohit, for instance, got his start as an investment banker and moved on to become a VP of Finance.

3. Financial Analyst

A financial analyst can have a massive impact on the company. The analyst provides data as to how the company can improve its financial operations, forecasting long-term financial projections. The right analyst can help a company guide its expenditures in the most profitable way possible.

4. Credit Analyst

A credit analyst is tasked with a crucial job: assessing loan prospects. If a bank gives out a loan to someone who won’t pay it back, that hurts not only the bank but the rest of the bank’s customers, as they have to pass on the cost in the form of higher interest rates.

That’s where the credit analyst comes in. By assessing candidates correctly and turning down or approving loan prospects as appropriate, a credit analyst can protect all of us from higher interest rates.

5. Economist

If you take an interest in things at the macro level, then you need to consider becoming an economist. In this career, you’ll analyze large-scale economic trends to provide recommendations as to how the government can stimulate economic growth.

Finance Careers to Keep in Mind

There you have it — you can’t go wrong with anyone of these five finance careers. Finance is an industry that simply continues to grow, and it shows no sign of slowing down yet.

For more career advice, be sure to take some time to check out the rest of the articles on the website!