The Versatility of Display Advertising Offers Your Brand the Best Exposure

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( — July 13, 2020) — The slow, but inevitable death of traditional television and print media advertising means brands have had to focus their advertising on digital alternatives. But rather than a decline in advertising overall, display advertising is finding a lot of favour with savvy marketers and advertisers. They love the freedom and creativity the new platform represents.  

Ads for TV and ads for print media were, of necessity, two very different things. Though print ads could rely on colourful images to sell the brands products and services, they, at times, also featured much more text than were practical in ads targeting TV audiences.

But with the trend towards internet advertising hastening the demise of the older media ads, marketers and advertisers realised there are many more options to take advantage of with display advertising than either of the older media could ever offer. 

Targeting Increases an Ad’s Effectiveness

The ability to target display ads to specific audiences by region, age group, or interests means that the money spent on creating these ads is much more justifiable and measurable. With the abilities of Google analytics, an ad can be judged precisely by its ROI. 

Ads that aren’t approaching their effectiveness when considering the cost of creation and placement can be quickly pulled and either revamped or scrapped. Ad campaigns last only as long as the brand wants them to run. This puts the power to manage the ad back in the hands of the advertiser, instead of the media.

With the immediate aspect of display advertising, advertisers can also change the targets of a specific ad if the situation warrants. If a car, for example, suddenly becomes trendy within a certain demographic other than the one it was intended to appeal to, the advertiser has the easy option to include the new demographic in the targeting information.

Flexibility of a Digital Platform

The functions of the internet also provide several benefits that the advertiser can take advantage of in the creation and concept of an ad campaign. The ability to add a link with the ad is the most obvious, and something that print and TV ads could never have imagined.

Driving interested potential customers right to the digital doors of a brand is the quickest way for advertisers to become convinced of the value of display advertising. Not only does it lower the cost of acquisition, but it increases the speed of the conversion as well. 

Bright New World of Advertising

With the flexible and dynamic medium that digital advertising represents, advertisers have seized the opportunity. They are creating bold and exciting new ad campaigns that take full advantage of the benefits that the digital medium can offer.

From the ability to target specific audiences in an advertising campaign, to the vast savings that can be realised in an overall marketing budget, to the ability to precisely measure the effectiveness of an ad, the new medium of display advertising has won the hearts of advertisers all over the globe.