Instagram Is Testing a New Story Display System on Desktops

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( — January 29, 2021) — Stories have become something quite familiar in the world of social networks, over the years. Enough for most people to understand right away the meaning of this word, in today’s world. Although it is most unusual to elders, the stories we are talking about are short posts, meant to disappear within 24 hours; not the ones you find in books or movies. Instagram has been testing a new way to display its stories on desktops, over the last few weeks. So, here is a story about “stories.”

  1. How Stories were born

You have to go all the way back to 2013 to see the introduction of stories into social networks. It is the arrival of Snapchat, in the social network market, that made it happen. Their idea was to let users create images, videos or text messages that would have a limited time life, of only 24 hours. This simple idea was to become a “must-have” for all social platforms, as almost all of them are enabling their members to create them these days.

  1. What can be inserted into Stories?

At the beginning, most stories were only an image or a very short video. Today, some stories have become small pieces of art, thanks to the use of an Instagram story template. Part of the reasons explaining why this happened, is the commercialization of the social networks. Influencers try to distinguish themselves from their competitors, and to do so, they go beyond the simple message by adding music, texts and stickers to their posts. Some of them simply look professional, while others have an undeniable artistic touch. But everyone can create amazing stories through an Instagram story template, today. In fact, as long as you are a little creative, you can prepare a beautiful story in a matter of minutes. 

  1. Instagram: One step ahead of the Competition

The management team at Instagram works particularly hard, in order to keep their edge over their competitors, from other social networks. They constantly try to find that little element which will make a big difference to users. That is why they have just started to test a new way to display stories on desktops. 

They have decided to display stories as a carrousel, in order to make it easier for users to go through them. That is quite a change from the static version of the current “one story at a time,” that they offer their members. It is easy to predict that this new version will be adopted soon, and that members around the world will benefit from this new display.