How Digital Transformation Affects Customer Experience, as Illustrated by Hani Zeini

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( — January 19, 2021) — A digital transformation refers to the altering of business models and business institutions’ roles to adapt to new market realities. However, it is not the company that is the sole driving force behind this change; it is the customers that drive change. Customers play a significant role in devising the products they need, as well as the online format which they most prefer. It is their journey that dictates to the company what their business strategy must be. 

Since companies want to remain connected with target customers, enterprises embrace new technology to deliver an unmatched customer experience. According to Hani Zeini, institutions need to place their customers at the top of their priority list. Studies reveal that the time has come to shift from conventional strategies to modern digital techniques in order to improve the customer experience.

Ways in which customer experience impacts digital transformation, as examined by Hani Zeini

  • The Flexibility of its Environment: Most companies lack the necessary technology to conduct a digital transformation. Institutions need to realize the importance of implementing agile systems into their business models and practices. According to Hani Zeini, such changes enable these institutions to be dynamic, fast, and flexible, giving them the ability to evaluate new low-risk and cost-effective projects. It can enable them to meet customer demands faster than ever.
  • Customized experiences: Every customer wants to be treated with undivided attention from the businesses they seek out. They want an individualized, personally tailored experience. Consumers need companies to make an effort to know their personal preferences and purchase history. When you approach a customer by name, when you recommend products based on their past purchases, and when you discern from their personal purchase history, it positively impacts the impression of the customer. Customers make note of every effort you make through recent technologies. As such, Hani Zeini says you have to analyze and learn about customer-related issues on a case-by-case basis. When you understand a customer’s previous interactions with other firms, you stand to serve them better. This can encourage you to create targeted messages to convey your products and services in the most effective, personalized, and efficient manner.
  • Multifaceted experience: Technology has brought about many benefits for customers by providing them with exactly what they require and expect. Customers want immediate responses to their queries and issues from the community they are contacting directly. Any delay in this connection may have detrimental effects on their relationship with your business. Since customers have access to digital platforms, they may not be loyal to just your business when there is so much out there on the internet to explore. Any mistake on your part may result in losing a loyal customer.
  • Staying connected with customers is essential for every company. Through digital transformations, institutions may engage with modern buyers, provide them with seamless customer service experiences, and deliver products and services in record time. By focusing on these aspects of your business, you can ensure that you exceed customer expectations and improve the customer experience through digital transformation. You have to incorporate technology seamlessly in every aspect of your business so that you can deliver what you promise to your target audience in a modern way. 

Author’s Bio:

Walter Moore has been working on the importance of social media in marketing and digital transformations. His research has helped thousands of users and brands with marketing campaigns.