6 Important Reasons Why Children Should Not Be Vaping

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(Newswire.net — May 19, 2022) –Vaping has become increasingly popular among children, but the increase in the number of children who vape has also meant that vaping has become more and more dangerous. There is much evidence showing that children are using e-cigarettes as a gateway to smoking cigarettes, with many of these kids eventually graduating to smoking regular cigarettes. As with adults, cancer rates are rising among kids who vape, and there is no guarantee that e-cigarettes can help people quit their tobacco use. Here are 6 important reasons why children should not be vaping.

1. Vaping is Unsafe for Children

The research on the effects of e-cigarettes on young people is growing, and one study even found that the vapor produced by e-cigarettes can damage a child’s lungs. The study was done on mice, and it showed that the vapor could cause permanent lung damage. Although no long-term studies have been conducted on humans, there are plenty of other reasons children should not use e-cigarettes.

2. Vaping is a Gateway to Smoking

Many people believe that e-cigarettes will help children quit smoking but the evidence shows that they are actually a gateway to smoking. Kids who vape are more likely to be exposed to cigarettes, either because they vape nicotine or have friends share their cigarettes with them. If kids start vaping at an earlier stage of life, they are more likely to become addicted and as a result, they may progress to smoking and vaping simultaneously. A vape detector can be used to monitor the amount of vape residue in a student’s room and help find out if an individual is vaping on school property.

3. Vaping Can Offer Substance Abuse

Vaping nicotine is a lot like taking drugs, which means that e-cigarettes can increase the risk of substance abuse. Studies have shown that kids who vape are more likely to take drugs and alcohol than their non-vaping peers. The risks are even higher as vaping becomes more popular among children and teens. We can see this happening as vaping has become easier than ever to access through the internet and various stores.

4. Vaping is Addictive

The number of teenagers who vape has been increasing, and the vaping community has been predicting that vaping will overtake smoking as the illicit drug of choice among teens. We are already seeing how this is happening right now, and it is not looking too good for kids trying to quit smoking through vaping. The e-cigarette industry has successfully marketed to children and teens with cartoonish packaging, pester power websites, and images of alluring young women, which means that kids will increasingly smoke instead of vaping.

5. The Vapor Produced by Vaping is Unhealthy

As vaping becomes more and more popular, the number of products purchased online has also increased. There is a lot of evidence showing that e-liquid, especially when it is available in bulk, is unhealthy and can cause respiratory problems. Many people believe that e-cigarettes are safe for children because they don’t burn any tobacco, but the truth is that there is no such thing as safe vaping.

6. Vaping Can Trigger Addiction to Tobacco

Many people believe that e-cigarettes help people quit smoking and that it does not harm them, but this is not true. There is a lot of evidence showing that vaping can trigger addiction to tobacco, and in some cases, it can make it harder to quit smoking. The toxins in e-cigarette vapor are more dangerous than those in regular cigarettes, which means that the risk of addiction is higher for vapers than non-artists.

When you add all of these facts, it becomes very clear that children should not be vaping. E-cigarette vapors can cause serious damage to the lungs of young people, and the advertising campaigns do a great job convincing children that e-liquids are just as safe as regular cigarettes.