Leadership Expert Dov Baron on CNN: Canadian PM’s Style is “Outdated”

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(Newswire.net — January 29, 2014) Vancouver, British Columbia — VANCOUVER, BC — Dov Baron of Authentic Paragon Alliance, an executive management consultancy firm, was speaking at a gathering of business leaders in Vancouver, and was reported on CNN.com.

Baron says that the old-style approach to leadership from prime minister Stephen Harper is a relic of the past, and will no longer be tolerated by voters. Most of the invited guests–entrepreneurs and local business leaders–agreed with Baron’s assessment.

“In a world powered by social media–voters, consumers and employees have more power than ever to demand authentic leadership from politicians, corporations and employers” Baron said in his closing remarks.

Baron contrasted the way Stephen Harper has chosen to deal with the senate scandal and the actions of his own chief of staff, with the recent admissions of Toronto mayor, Rob Ford. Harper continues to deny any knowledge or involvement in the wrongdoings of Nigel Wright, his chief of staff, who he says acted on his own when he paid for senator Mike Duffy’s improperly charged expenses.

In the case of Rob Ford, Baron said that, despite almost a year of denials, when Ford finally came forward and made his admissions, part of the electorate viewed him as “coming clean”.

Elected on a promise to deliver “transparent” leadership, Ford did everything in his power to look and feel like that mayor when admitting his errors and “taking personal responsibility” added Baron.

Baron went on to say that both leaders were representative of a void of authentic leadership that exists in Canadian politics.

Baron was speaking about his Authentic Speaker Academy for Leadership program, which he created and personally facilitates.  His unique approach to teaching the profession of paid speaking, where individuals are paid to deliver keynote speeches to business groups and associations, is regarded as the hardest, yet most rewarding speaker-leadership training in the world.

The difficulty in Baron’s program for many participants is the requirement for full emotional transparency. Baron’s message to the group in attendance was that in becoming emotionally transparent, and admitting his actions, Ford actually strengthened his relationship with many voters–while the prime minister is fast losing the confidence of his own party.

Authentic Speaker Academy for Leadership

141-6200 McKay Ave. #327
Vancouver, British Columbia V5H 4M9
